
Mobile Phone

Mobile Phone

Immortal age is an era of communication . The latest means of communication have converted the whole world into a global village . With the advent of the mobile phone, distances have become meaningless . It has ensure the quick link between cities, countries and continents round the clock . A few years ago, a mobile phone was merely status symbol but, now coma it has become part and parcel of our life . It is highly convenient and useful for our social , political and economic activities .
Youngsters are greatly fascinated by the terms of the mobile phone . It offers them multidimensional pleasures and facilities . They enjoy melodious ringtones colourful wallpapers and interesting games . They get connected with their friends through SMS and MMS . Moreover coma different functions and softwares of the mobile phone like dictionary calculator, .watch, time clock reminder, etc. Are very useful for the students .
The mobile phone is playing an important role in social and political interaction . Political leaders workers and social organisations are using it to co-ordinate their activities . It saves their time and keeps them well connected all the time . It is easy to carry and keep us in touch with you whole world all the time . It is very useful in Germany and emergency . It helps a lot when a person faces some trouble on his way . He can easily inform his friends and relatives with its help .
It is also very useful in trade, business and Commerce . Banks and different economic organisations are providing various facilities to their customers through the mobile phone . It helps them to check their balance and transfer their deposits without wasting time .
In spite of a number of advantages of a mobile phone there are also a few drawbacks of its careless usage . First, the mobile phone is creating the snob culture in the society . Especially , youngsters waste money and time on its careless usage . Second, it is also very effectivly used in Immoral and criminal activities third , it is also misused to disturb others with missed calls and non sense messages .
Today , the mobile phone is getting popular very fastly . Millions of people use it daily . Hundreds of latest models of mobile phones are introduced every years . Several cellular companies have set up their networks in Pakistan . They offer various functions and facilities to their subscribers at the lowest possible rates out of their competition . No doubt, immobile phone is very useful if it is used properly and wisely.


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