
Women's Place In Our Society OR The Role Of Women In Society

Women's Place In Our Society
The Role Of Women In Society

In the past, the role of women was Limited to the four walls of the house . There were of activities was very narrow . They were not allowed to participate in political, cultural, social and literary activities . They could not play any constructive role outside the house . They were considered physically weak, mentally ineligible and spiritually dubious .

The picture of women in pre Islamic Arab society was shocking . Parents why ashamed of having female children . The girls were buried alive . Women were treated as means of carnal . Among the great religions of the world , Islam is the only one which meat serious efforts to restore grace and dignity of women . Within the limits of Sharia, they can live with dignity and play an active and constructive role for the general welfare of society . Islam give them the rights which were not granted to women even in Europe for more than eleven hundred years .

In the changing world of today, women are playing very significant role in the development of society . They are proving their works and value in every sphere of life such as trade industry pome administration , scientific research literary and artistic activities . They have proved themselves equal to men in Intelligence and efficiency . Now, they are considered suitable for every job .

Even in Pakistan, women are doing positive activities towards the welfare of the society . In various departments, they are working as nurses, air hostesses, clerk, steno typist, sale girls police and military officers . If we wish to see our country progressing by leaps and bounds, women should be allowed to work shoulder to shoulder with men in every field of life . We should accept the reality that women are an integral part of the civil society .

No doubt, the real greatness of a woman lies in her role as a mother . The working women will have to prove that she can be a good mother as well as a good work . The present picture of the west is morally degrading . In the name of emancipation and feminism Immoral activities are being justified . It is that everything fair our food is acceptable in the name of modernism .


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