
Games And Sports

Games And Sports
(OR)    Importance Of Games And Sports

Education means an overall development of human body, mind and soul. Physical education comes first of all. Games and sports have now become a part and parcel of modern education.

A sound mind depends upon a sound body. For a sound and healthy body, some physical exercise is inevitable. The book worms lose their health and eye - sight by over – study. They win positions and prizes in the examinations, but fail in health. At last, they also fail in life.

A sportsman leads happy and successful life. His life is active. He finds thrill everywhere. He is full of the zeal of life. His eyes shine with joy. His cheeks glow with sound health.   

Games and sports keep our bodies fit. These make us hale and hearty. Sweat bursts out of the pores. Thus much of the unhealthy matter goes out of the blood. Games make our mind healthy and active. These enable us to bear and face our difficulties and hardships of life with a smiling face and patience.

These give us peace of mind. The brain of a sportsman is always fresh. There are no cares and worries in the life of a sportsman. Experience has revealed that a sportsman is better able to bear the pressure of the modern life than a studious boy. He has hardened his body; hence he can calmly face the adverse circumstances and miseries of life.

Games and sports have also their social and moral values. Sportsmen learn the art of working as a team. They learn how to work in cooperation. They develop a sense of comradeship. Besides, they learn the useful lesson of accepting defeat bravely and with a smiling face. They acquire the sense of discipline in every field of life.

Obedience to the captain of the team, compliance of his orders, doing of duty, and self – confidence, all come through games and sports. The qualities of true leadership are created in the playgrounds. A true character is the natural outcome of the games and sports. We hate foul – play. When we say,” it is not Cricket”, we mean: “It is not fair”.

To conclude, games and sports have a great importance in human life. These make us healthy, strong and happy. These create in us the noble sense of responsibility, the sense of cooperation and Unity. These make us self - confident and disciplined in every field of life. These have, therefore, become an inevitable part of education in the modern age.


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