

11. I Have a Dream

By: Martin Luther King

Q/1 What was the cause of the Negroes` discontentment?

Ans: The Cause of their discontentment was that they were not treated equal with four whites. They did not enjoy all those rights that the whites enjoyed.

Q/2 What are the qualities of the veterans of creative suffering?

Ans: These are to suffer imprisonment, cruelty and injustice in efforts to have freedom in Society.

Q/3 What is the dream of Martin Luther King Jr?

Ans: It is that all the people in USA Should equal. Their character should be considered and not the colors of their skin.

Q/4 What Should be the faith of Negroes?

Ans: The Negroes should have a faith that they will be able to rise one day. They Should firm belief in the equality of human beings.

Q/5 What was the necessity of pleading the case of the Negroes’ Freedom?

Ans: King pleaded their case because they did not enjoy Freedom and equality. They were not treated equal with the whites.

Q/6 What should be the criterion of judgment for a Person?

Ans: It should be person’s Character, not the colour of his skin of rare.

Q/7 Do the Negroes enjoy liberty in all the parts of their country?

Ans: They do not enjoy liberty in all its Parts. They are, Infect, treated as second rate citizens.

Q/8 For which parts of the country had the Negroes gathered there?

Ans: The Negroes’ had gathered in Washington, from Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia and Louisiana they do not enjoy it.

Q/9 White down the song in four own words.

Ans: I sing of my country which is the sweet land of liberty. Here my fathers and forefathers lived and died. It is the land where pilgrims settled and of whom we are proud. Let the sound of freedom be heard on all the mountains and everywhere.

Q/10 What is the effect of the repetition of words?

Ans: Repeated words and sentences are taken as Important. We remember their meanings for a long time.



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