Application To The Principal For Change Of Subjects.

Application To The Principal For Change Of Subjects.

Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City),
April  14,2017
The Principal,
Government A.B.C College,
Subject: Request for Change of Subjects.
With due respect, it is stated that I want to change one of my elective subjects. I opted for Mathematics but now I want to change it with Biology.
In fact, my parents urged me to become an Engineer. I could not refuse them at the time of admission. But now, after a month I have clearly realized that I do not have aptitude for Mathematics. On the other hand, I have a passion for being a doctor. I have always been interested in Biology.
I, therefore, request you to allow me to change Mathematics for Biology. I shall work hard to make up for the loss of my lectures.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours obediently,

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