An Application To The Principal For Grant Of Scholarship

An Application To The Principal For Grant Of Scholarship

Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City),
January 14,2017
The Principal,
Government A.B.C College,

Subject: Request for Granting Scholarship.


With due respect, it is stated that I belong to a poor family and I need scholarship to continue my studies.

My father is a retired government servant. His pension is too small to make both ends meet. We don’t have any other source of income. My other brothers and sisters are also getting education on merit scholarships. My father is unable to bear my educational expenditures.

Therefore, I request you to grant me scholarship so that I may continue my studies. I assure you that I will leave no stone unturned to get age distinction in the final exams. My previous academic record is also excellent.

I hope my request will be considered on some pathetic grounds.

                     Yours obediently,


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