Application To The Principal For Remission Of Fine.

Application To The Principal For Remission Of Fine.

Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City),
April  14,2017
The Principal,
Government A.B.C College,

Subject: Request for Remission of Fine.

With due respect, it is stated that I have been find with Rs. 300/- for being absent from college for a week. I am very sorry that I could not submit my application for leave and inform the college office about my sickness.
In fact, I was not feeling well and the doctor diagnosed that I was suffering from a contagious eyes disease. He advised me to take complete bed rest and apply drops and ointment after every three hours.
My father is a government servant and he was on an official tour during my illness. So, there was no one at home to submit my application. Now, I am completely recovered to attend my classes.
Kindly consider my request on sympathetic grounds and remit my fine.
The medical certificate is attached with.

Yours obediently,
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