
Application To The Principal For Readmission To College.

Application To The Principal For Readmission To College.

Examination Hall,
A.B.C. (City),
April  14,2017
The Principal,
Government A.B.C College,

Subject: Request for Re – admission.


With due respect, it is stated that my name has been struck off from the rolls due to my absence from college for two weeks together.

I am very sorry that I could not inform the concerned authorities before leaving the city. Actually I had an emergency at my village. My grandfather had a heart attack. I had to rush to Lahore as there was none else to attend on him at hospital. I looked after him for a week, but unfortunately, he could not survive. I had to stay a few days more for the funeral rites.

Please, keeping in view my past record, give me one chance and enroll my name. I assure you that I shall be careful in future.

Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours obediently,



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