An application to the Principal of your college for the remission of fine.

An application to the Principal of your college for the remission of fine.

The Principal,
Government College,
With due respect, I beg leave to submit that I have been find Rs 500 for not coming regularly to the college. I fell ill last month and remained in the hospital for many days. I was advised full bed - rest by the doctors. It took me a month to come back to normal life. I live in a village and there was no one to carry my application to the college.
The village is situated at a far flung area from the city. There are not sufficient postal arrangements. I could not mail my application. I have attached a certificate of my illness to the application.
Under these circumstances; I request you kindly to remit me fine and oblige. I am a poor student and cannot pay the fine.
Yours obediently,


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