An application to the Principal of your college requesting him to permit you to change your subject.

An application to the Principal of your college requesting him to permit you to change your subject.

The Principal,
Government Post Graduate College,
I am a student of 1st year of your college. I took up Pre - Medical Group. After a months study, I came to know that the subject of Biology was beyond my comprehension. It is also not up to my taste. I did not fare well in the class test and had to eat a humble pie before my teacher.
I tried my best to follow it. I engaged a tutor and worked hard at it. But to my dismay I could not improve a bit. I feel I am more fond of Mathematics than Biology. My result in the Matriculation Examination is also a proof of it. My parents also want me to become an Engineer.
Keeping in view the facts mentioned above, I may be allowed to take up Mathematics instead of Biology. I shall be grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Yours obediently,


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