
Application to the Principal Fee Concession.

Application to the Principal for Fee Concession.

May 15,2017.

The Principal,
Government A.B.C. College,

Subject: Request for Fee Concession.

With due respect, it is stated that I am a newly enrolled student in this renowned and prestigious college. I have scored 1063 marks in Matriculation Examination. My father is a retired government servant. He is too old to work. We have no other source of income except his pension. Moreover, my younger brother and sister are also students; so, it is pretty hard for my father to bear our educational expenses.
Therefore, I humbly request you for full fee concession so that I may continue my studies. I shall work hard to win top position for this prestigious institute.
I hope that you will consider my request on sympathetic grounds.
I shall be highly grateful to you for this kindness.

                                                                              Yours obediently,
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