50 Important Questions for The Promotion Linked Training (PLT) Pre – Test (SED)


50 Important Questions for The Promotion Linked Training (PLT) Pre – Test (SED)

GRADE 14 TO 22

For all teachers PST, SSE, SESE, SST, SS, SSS, Headmasters, Headmistress, Principals.

1. BM-2 is the Monthly Reconciliation of current expenditures.

a)   True

b)   False


2. School council is necessary to ______________                       

a)   Decrease enrolment.

b)   Increase dropout.

c)   Develop Ownership


3. Assessment of LND done by MEAs on yearly basis.

a)   True

b)   False 


4. Peace Education is the process of acquiring the values and developing the attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself as well as with others.

a)   True

b)   False


5. Government purchases of goods and services for current use are classed as government consumption.

a)   True

b)   False


6. A KPI is a list that a person might use for general tasks, functions and responsibilities of a position.

a)   True

b)   False

7. Authority for the settlement of “Draft Paras" is

a)   Departmental Account Committee (DAC)

b)   Special Departmental Account Committee (SDAC)

c)   Director General Audit

d)   Public Accounts Committee (PAC)


8. Within how much time adverse remarks on a PER can be challenged before expunging Authority?

a)   60 days

b)   1 month

c)   3 months

d)   90 days


9. The provision of equal opportunities to all children for learning is not ensured in quality-oriented schools.

a)   True

b)   False

10. Cascade approach is used for                        

a)   Curriculum Development

b)   Curriculum Designing

c)   Classroom Observation

d)  Teacher Training Program


11. To bring harmony among all the elements of the school Programmed is known as

a)   Planning

b)   Organizing

c)   Commanding

d)  Coordinating

12. In case of posts falling vacant temporarily as a result of the proceeding of an incumbent on deputation, leave (more than 6 months), posting outside cadre, suspension, etc., if none is available for transfer, the Board/DPC may consider the civil servants for promotion. It is called:

a)   Regular promotion

b)   Promotion on officiating basis

c)   Promotion on an acting-charge basis

d)   Extraordinary promotion


13. Handling cash is the responsibility of DDO.

a)   True

b)   False

14. If an official is superseded due to his refusal to accept promotion, his case is again considered after three years. If he again foregoes promotion, for how long he shall be superseded again?

a)   One year

b)   Two years

c)   Three years

d)   Permanently


15. Teams are especially appropriate for carrying out tasks that are high in complexity and have many independent sub-tasks.

a)   True

b)   False


16. The middle level of management deals with emotional intelligence & coaching for performance etc.

a)   True

b)   False

17. Digital literacy is the skills required to achieve digital competence, the confident and critical use of ICT for work, leisure, learning and communication.

a)   True

b)   False


18. As per the new Educational Curricula, the competencies or strands mean:

a)   Key learning areas of a subject

b)   Standards of knowledge, skills and attitudes

c)   The developmental levels

d)   Students' learning outcomes


19. Aggrieved persons can file a departmental appeal against punishment order to the appellate authority within:

a)   15 days

b)   30 days

c)   45 days

d)   60 days

20. Financial management basically does not deal with resource mobilization and expenditure management.

a)   True

b)   False


21. The teacher is considered in the new world as __________    

a)   Religious agent

b)   Change agent.

c)   Social agent

d)   Political agent


22. What is the first goal of Education for All (EFA)?

a)   Provision of free and compulsory primary education for all

b)   Increase in adult literacy by 50 %

c)   Provision of early childhood education and care

d)   Improvement in the quality of education

23. __________ is a plan that determines the criteria on how to structure a curriculum and teach students.

a)   MCQs

b)   SLOs

c)   Measurement

d)   Ranking


24. With summative assessments, students are evaluated upon completion of the work and the focus is on the final product.

a)   True

b)   False


25. Full DA is allowed when absence from HQ exceeds four hours and duty is performed beyond the radius of 10 miles/16 KMs and overnight stay is not involved.

a)   True

b)   False

50 Important Questions for The Promotion Linked Training (PLT) Pre – Test (SED)

26. Factors affecting professional behaviour are of crucial importance.

a)   True

b)   False


27. Right of Appeal/representation has been given to a civil servant under Punjab Civil Servant Act, 1974:

a)   Section 9

b)   Section 17

c)   Section 21

d)   Section 23


28. "That's my NATURE", suppose that this bold statement is your statement at the moment, if you wish to bring change in you, how will you change this statement to depict change acceptance positively?

a)   It was my nature; it is my nature, and it will remain my nature.

b)   Nature cannot be changed, so can't l.

c)   I tried to think about changing my nature.

d)  That's what I used to believe was my nature.


29. Non-verbal communications include: 

a)   Body language, singing, talking.

b)   Asking questions. Gestures, reading aloud.

c)   Talking, singing, gestures.

d)  Facial expressions, eye contact, gestures.


30. The audit mechanism in which, the auditor evaluates the desired objective of the Organization is known as __________

a)   Technical Audit

b)   Professional Audit

c)   Financial Audit

d)   Performance Audit


31. Which form of official communication is used to forward the original order or application, etc. to the quarters concerned for necessary action.

a)   Endorsement

b)   Order

c)   D.O letter

d)   Memorandum


32. In case of dismissal or removal from servicing. may allow compassionate allowance of pension/gratuity under section 18 of the Act:

a)   1/2

b)   2/3

c)   3/4

d)   Full


33. Persons with disabilities shall not be denied admission into any educational institution, whether state-owned or private, on the ground of their disabilities.

a)   True

b)   False 


34. On the abolishing of a post, the services of senior most officer/officials will be terminated.

a)   True

b)   False


35. According to grades of civil servants for mileage/daily allowance, the civil servants of BS-17 to BS-22 fall in

a)   Fourth Grade

b)   Third Grade

c)   Second Grade

d)   First Grade


36. As per the National ECE Curriculum, there are main domains/areas of Early Childhood Education.

a)   Four

b)   Six

c)   Seven

d)   Nine

37. Which of the following should NOT be assigned as homework?

a)   new concept

b)   Project work

c)   Reading

d)   Problem-solving assignment


38. Good communication skill does not demonstrate professional behavior.

a)   True

b)   False


39. DEA stands for Divisional Education Authority.

a)   True

b)   False

40. In the book review process, the __________ you want to include your personal opinions about the book and how parts relate to your personal life.

a)   1st Paragraph

b)   2nd Paragraph

c)   3rd Paragraph

d)   4th Paragraph


41. The development of a less experienced person by a more qualified and experienced professional from the same profession is called:

a)   Mentoring

b)   Monitoring

c)   Training

d)   Evaluation

42. The PEEDA 2006 can apply to retired employees, provided that proceedings are initiated against them:

a)   During service or within 01 year of retirement

b)   Within 01 year of retirement only

c)   During service only

d)   Within 02 years of retirement


43. __________ is a person who influences his subordinates to achieve a specified goal.

a)   Administrator

b)   Manager

c)   Supervisor

d)  Leader

44. In which register, remarks are written when a student is recommended for special merit or punished for misbehaviour?

a)   Accession Register

b)   Conduct Register

c)   Examination Register

d)   Logbook


45. The academic Calendar does not ensure due attention to every subject or activity.

a)   True

b)   False


46. Delegation of financial power rules deal with.

a)   Purchasing powers/procedures

b)   Sanctioning powers/procedures

c)   Administrative powers

d)  All mentioned categories

47. Presentation is a partnership between the presenter and __________   

a)   Management

b)   Admin

c)   Audience

d)   HR


48. In MS Word F7 functional key is used for.

a)   Checking the spelling

b)   Modifying the document

c)   Saving the document

d)   Refreshing the page


49. For which period daily allowance may NOT be drawn during absence from headquarters?

a)   Time spent on journey.

b)   A halt during tour

c)   On a holiday during a tour

d)   Casual leave during tour


50. Portion of topics in a particular subject is known as syllabus.

a)   True             

b)   False

50 Important Questions for The Promotion Linked Training (PLT) Pre – Test (SED)


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