Important PLT (Promotion Linked Training) TEST QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS

Important PLT Test Questions with Answers: These questions and answers refer to a set of significant queries that can be asked during the PLT Test. These questions are designed to assess an individual's knowledge, expertise, and aptitude in areas relevant to the promotional position. The answers provide the required information or knowledge needed to respond accurately to the questions posed in the test. These questions and answers help test takers prepare and demonstrate their suitability for the promoted role.

PLT Test: The PLT Test, or Promotion Linked Training Test, is an assessment conducted to evaluate an individual's knowledge, skills, and abilities required for a specific promotional position within an organization. The test aims to measure an individual's aptitude in various areas relevant to the position and serves as a tool to identify potential candidates for promotion.

SS, SSS, SSE, SESE, SST: These abbreviations represent different teaching scales in the education system. SS stands for Subject Specialist, SSS for Senior Subject Specialist, SSE for Secondary School Educator, SESE for Secondary School Education, and SST for Secondary School Teacher. Each scale denotes a different level of teaching positions and corresponding qualifications in the secondary school education system.

Headmasters, Headmistress, Principal, PST: These terms refer to different administrative roles in educational institutions. A headmaster is typically the male principal or administrative head of a school, while a headmistress is the female equivalent. The principal is generally the highest-ranking administrator of a school, responsible for overseeing its overall operations and ensuring its smooth functioning. PST stands for Primary School Teacher and represents an individual employed to educate and manage primary school students.



Important PLT (Promotion Linked Training) TEST QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS


1. Motivation can be defined as:

a) A force that makes us do thing, so that we have inspiration to complete the


b) A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way

c) The act or process of giving sonme one a reason for doing some thing.

d) All of the above


2. Which kind of leave is granted against leave to be earned in the future?

a) Leave not due

b) Special leave

c) Earned leave

d) LPR


3. A total marks__________ shall be allocated to the mandatory Training Courses under promotion policy 2010.

a) 5

b) 10

c) 15

d) 20


4. According PEEDA Act 2006, the completion of proceedings will be done within __________ days. Single choice.

a) 210 days

b) 60 days

c) 90 days

d) 15 days


5. Maximum period for which a Civil Servant can be granted LPR is __________ days.

a) 180 days

b) 120 days

c) 365 days

d) 90 days


6. Under Promotion Policy, 2010, if the overall grading in a PER is ambiguous e.g. placed between Good and Average, the quantification will be based on the ____________.Single choice.

a)    Lower grading

b)   Higher grading

c)    Previous grading

d)   Next grading


7. If casual leave is combined with holidays, total period should not exceed.

a) 14 days

b) 15 days

c) 01 Week

d) 02 Week


8. A process involving transferring information and understanding from one person to another in order to share what they know is called as:

a) Motivation

b) Transferring ideas

c) Communication

d) Encoding


9. In case the length of service is less than prescribed, the Civil Servant can be promoted on:

a) Current charge basis

b) Regular basis

c) Acting charge basis

d) Officiating basis


10. A civil servant who is suspended on any account shall not be considered for promotion unless he has earned;.

a) Two more PERs for two full years

b) The relaxation after being superseded

c) One more PER for one full year

d) None of these


12. A Civil Servant in non-vacation department earns on full pay at the rate of __________ days per calendar month of duty rendered;

a) 03

b) 04

c) 05

d) 02


13. ADP is an abbreviation of :

a) Annual Development Plan

b) Annual Duty Programme

c) Annual Division of Performance

d) Annual Debating Programme


14. Earned leaves account of non-gazetted employee is being maintained in the:

a) Order Book

b) Service Book

c) Log Book

d) Acquisition Roll


15. PC-I form comprises four parts, Part "A" is the ;

a) Project Design

b) Project Plan

c) Project Cost

d) Project Analysis


16. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the School Council?

a) To increase the enrollment of students

b) To modify / adjust the annual Taleemi Calendar of the school

c) To monitor the attendance of teachers/ staff

d) To ensure to act upon the compulsory Primary Education Ordinance


17. All of these types of leave under Leave Rules, except;

a) LPR

b) Casual Leave

c) Accident Leave

d) Hospital Leave


18. If casual leave is combined with holidays, total period should not exceed.

a) 14 days

b) 15 days

c) 07 days

d) 09 days


19. __________ is required for conducting surveys and feasibility studies, in respect of larger projects;


b) PC-II

c) PC-IV

d) PC-V


20. Professional behavior does not include following except;

a) Pointing at people

b) Chew Gum

c) Rude Behavior

d) Team Work


21. __________ from is designed to furnish information on the progress of on-going projects on quarterly basis;


b) PC-I1

c) PC-IV

d) PC-V


22. Sometimes Federal Ministry is required to prepare a PC-I having provincial components to be financed through ajoint loan by a donor agency. Such a PC-I is called an :

a) Roll on plan

b) Provincial PC-1

c) Umbrella PC-I

d) None of these


23. At the workplace, the __________ management has a responsibility to set an  example that reflects the organization's expectations.

a) Junior

b) Senior

c) Middle

d) None of these


24. Common workplace ethics include;

a) Positive Attitude

b) Teamwork

c) Integrity & Loyalty

d) All of these


25. A Civil Servant during __________ will not be considered for promotion to a higher post.

a) Casual Leave

b) Recreation Lecave

c) Hajj Leave

d) LPR


26. " That 's my Nature"

Suppose that the above given bold statement is your statement at the moment, if you wish to bring change in you, how will you change this statement depicting change acceptance positively. At the workplace, the __________ management has a responsibility to set an example that reflects the organization's expectations.

a) lt was my nature it is my nature and it will remain my nature

b) Nature cannot be changed, so can't 1.

c) I tricd to think about changing my nature.

d) That's what I used to believe was my nature.


27. "Being helpful" is the characteristics of  __________.

a) Non-professional

b) Professional people

c) Lazy people

d) Demanding people


28. Encircle the correct statement under Leave Rules 1981;

a) Leave can be claimed as a matter of right: however . i cannot be refused as a matter of routine.

b) Leave can be claimed as a matter of right; and can be refused as a matter of routine.

c) Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right: however, it can be refused as a matter of routine.

d) Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right; however, it cannot be refused

as a matter of routine.


29. Which statement is true under promotion policy while considering a case of promotion of a civil servant?

a) Notified Seniority list is not mandatory

b) Tentative or Provincial Seniority list will be Accepted by the PSB / DPC

c) Only Provincial Seniority list will be Accepted by the PSB/ DPC

d) Only Notified Seniority list will be Accepted


30. "I can help it"

Suppose that the above given statement is your statement at the moment, if you wish to bring change in you, how will you change this statement depicting change acceptance positively.

a) I can change that if I work on it.

b) Will think about it?

c) How can it be possible?

d) I will see, but it seems impossible.


31. “Public conveyance "does not mean

a) Personal car

b) Steamer

c) Bus

d) Railway train


32. PFMS stands for ( Public Finance Management System)


33. 25 Lacs or more of it 195000 and 17.5 %


34. operating expenditure for day to day running of a District Authority, other than development works for a financial year is a current budget


35. For the purpose of consideration of promotion cases by the Provincial Selection Boards how much marks are allocated for Training Evaluation Reports ?

a) 70 %

b) 30 %

c) 25 %

d) 15 %


36. SNC stands for Summative National Curriculum:

a) True

b) False                                            

Correct Answer: (Single National Curriculum)


37. The income tax on purchase will be deducted at the rate of

a) 4 %

b) 3.5 %

c) 5 %

d) 3 %


38. The original term for "synthesis” in Bloom's Taxonomy was given new term Evaluating when revised.

a) True

b) False


39. Sanctioning authority for casual leave is;

a) Head of institute

b) Any officer in grade 17

c) Imnediate boss

d) Immediate boss of grade 16 and above


40. "A world without poverty" is a __________ statement.

a) Mission

b) Vision

c) Value

d) Policy


41. __________ is an example of an intrinsic motivator;

a) A pay increase

b) Promotion

c) Satisfaction in a job well done

d) Good working conditions


42. _________ curriculum is the one that is learned by the students;

a) Delivered

b) Planned

c) Experienced

d) Intended


43. LitNum hour in schools consist of one hour __________ for basic concept of English language, Math and Urdu for daily life experiences with interesting activities;

a) Daily

b) Monthly

c) Weekly

d) Twice a week


44. __________ assessment entails assessment of core literacy(multilingual) and numeracy skills at key stages of schooling:

a) Large scale

b) School based

c) Summative

d) Fornmative


45. Teams are specially appropriate for carrying out tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent sub-tasks;

a) True

b) False


46. __________ includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes ,books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible culture (such as folklore ,traditions, language and knowledge).

a) Natural Heritage

b) Civilization

c) Culture

d) Cultural Heritage


47. DEA stands for District Education Authority:

a) True

b) False


48. ­­­__________ is granted against leave to be earned in the future:

a) Leave not due

b) Special leave

c) Extra ordinary leave

d) Maternity leave


49. Disability leave can be granted on medical advice for up to 730 days :

a) True

b) False


50. Weightage of assessment plan for elementary level in the wake of Covid -19 consist of ratio of MCQs and Homework respectively.

a) 40,60

b) 60:40

c) 30:70

d) 50:50


51. For the purpose of consideration of promotion cases by the Provincial Selection Boards how much marks are allocated for Performance Evaluation Reports ?

a) 75 %

b) 70 %

c) 50 %

d) 25 %


52. Under promotion policy.2010, if the overall grading in a PER is ambiguous e.g. placed between Good and Average, the quantification will be based on the__________.

a) Lower grading

b) Higher grading

c) Previous grading

d) Next grading


53. Govt. Servant is required to travel by the class of accommodation for which he is entitled. if he travels at a lower class, he will not be entitled to any type used :

a) True

b) False


54. ______ has the power to refuse LPR for civil servants working in BS-17 and above ;

a) Chief Minister

b) Chief Secretary

c) Administrative Secretary

d) DPI


55. There are six phases of Curriculum development:

a) True

b) False


56. Maternity leave is granted only two times during the entire service according to Revised Leave Rules ;

a) True

b) False


57. According to T.A. rules, mileage allowance rate for car is ;

a) Rs.  4 /km

b) Rs.  2.5 km

c) Rs.  10/km

d) Rs.  2 km


58. SDG 4 ensures inclusive and equitable guality educatien and promate life long learning opportunities for all.

a) True

b) False


59. Special daily rate is applicable to city.

a) Khushab

b) Sheikhupura

c) Gujranwala

d) Bahawalnagar


60. The action or reaction of a person under normal or specified circumstances is called behavior.

a) True

b) False


61. Ralph Taylor Model of curriculum has __________ basic principle.

a) 3

b) 4

c) 5

d) 6


62. __________ is granted only two times during the entire service according to Revised Leave Rules :

a) Maternity leave

b) Paternity leave

c) Recreation leave

d) Hospital leave


63. With summative assessments, students are evaluated during the work process and the focus improving the process;

a) True

b) False


64. The action or reaction of a person under normal or specified circumstances is called___________.

a) Behaviour

b) Attitude

c) Etiquettes

d) Manners


65. According to frame work of National Curriculum, key learning areas are termed as SLOs.

a) True

b) False

Correct Answer: According to the framework of the National Curriculum, key learning areas are termed as subjects or disciplines, not SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes). SLOs refer to the specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students are expected to achieve within a subject or discipline.


66. The maximum limit of LPR is 365 davs..

a) True

b) False


67. First National Curriculum was developed in 1984-85.

a) True

b) False

Correct Answer: The first National Curriculum was developed in Pakistan in 1972.


68. Motivation can be defined as:

a) A force that makes us do thing, so that we have inspiration to complete the task.

b) A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way

c) The act or process of giving some one a reason for doing some thing.

d) All of the above


69. Learning outcomes refer to observable and measurable.

a) Knowledge, skills and cognition

b) Knowledge ,skills and attitude

c) Knowledge, skills and values

d) Knowledge, skills and behaviour


70. Summative Assessment provides a snap- shot of student performance in the entire course.

a) True

b) False


71. __________ leadership is the mindset that a leader takes through sharing and collaboration for effectiveness.

a) Authoritative

b) Democratic

c) Distributed

d) Collaborative


72. _________ are defined as the manners that or followed by a person in social or professional settings.

a) Behavior

b) Attitude

c) Etiquette

d) Manners


73. __________ is the theory, that knowledge lies not only within the individual but in the individual's social and physical environment.

a) Distributed Cognition

b) Knowledge management

c) Cognitive Development

d) Knowledge development


74. Large scale assessment entails assessment of core literacy (multilingual) and numeracy skills of key stages of schooling.

a) True

b) False


75. Disability leave can be granted on medical advice for up to:.

a) 365 days

b) 180 days

c) 120 days

d) 730 days


76. __________ curriculum is the one that is taught by the teachers.

a) Delivered

b) Experienced

c) Intended

d) Embedded


77. The services of a civil servant may be terminated without notice:

a) During entire service

b) During probation period

c) After 20 years of service

d) After 30 years of service


78. Assessment of LND is done by MEAs on yearly basis.

a) True

b) False


79. Maximum period of full pay leave may be granted at one time on medical certificate from leave account, in entire service is 120 days.

a) True

b) False


80. According to the framework of national curriculum. key learning areas are termed as;

a) Strands

b) Standards

c) Benchmarks

d) Srudents Learming Outcomes


81. __________ is NOT an eligibility criterion for consideration of a civil servant for promotion.

a) Seniority position

b) Should possess the required length of service

c) Service record comprising PERs

d) Seniority cum fitness


82. The __________ is the set of common courses required of all undergraduates and considered the necessary general education for students, irrespective of their choices in major.

a) Embedded curriculum

b) Spiral curriculum

c) Core curriculum

d) Planned curriculum


83. Selection posts are to be filled on the basis of selection on "Merit" and Non- selection posts on the basis of Seniority-Cum-Fitness.

a) True

b) False


84. Delivered curriculum is the one that is intended by the designers..

a) True

b) False


85. A letter normally used for making inter departmental references, particularly when files are send to other departments for information of advice is a/an;

a) Memorandum

b) Official letter

c) Unofficial letter

d) Block letter


86. Classroom leadership requires PMER. It means Planning __________ Evaluating and Receiving.

a) Memorandum

b) Monitoring

c) Memorizing

d) Meeting up


87. PC- IIl is a document which is used for:

a) Reporting progress & utilities of project

b) Presenting final Draft of project

c) Budget allocation of project

d) Making frst draft of the projcct


88. For effective student centric learning ,teacher's gesture and posture considered important, which is called as;

a) Body language

b) Expression

c) Eye contact

d) All of these


89. A force that makes us do things , so that we have inspiration to complete the task is called as :

a) Management

b) Salary

c) Leadership

d) Motivation


90. Could LPR's order be reverted or recalling of an officer in BS-17 or above from LPR is admissible under Government Rules? 1f so who is the competent forum for the purpose;

a) Chief Secretary

b) Secretary of the department only

c) Chief Secretary only

d) Any of these authorities


91. Who is the responsible for sanction of expenditure out of Budget allocations?

a) EDO / CEO (DEA)

b) Disst.Officer

c) Drawing & Disbursing Officer

d) Dy. Distt. Officer


92. In case of dismissal or removal service can be grant not exceeding of the pension gratuity:

a) 2/3

b) 1/3

c) 3/4

d) None of these


93. Which form of official communication is used to forward the original order or application, etc to the quarters concerned for necessary action;

a) Official letter

b) Demi-official letter

c) Order

d) Endorsement


94. Management focuses upon systems and procedures, and leadership focuses upon __________ of an organization.

a) Objectives and goals

b) Vision and direction

c) Output and resources

d) Existing status


95. In which register, remarks are written when a student is recommended for a special merit or punished for misbehavior?

a) Accession Register

b) Conduct Register

c) Exanmination Register

d) Log Book


96. Which civil servants are entitled for air travelling in First class when going out of country on official duty?

a) Civil Servant in BS-20

b) Civil Servant in BS-21 and above

c) Secretary in BS-22

d) All of those


97. As per the Punjab Education Department's Notification, School Councils may be set up for:

a) Primary Schools only

b) Primary and Elementary Schools only

c) Secondary Schools only

d) All Schools


98. All transactions of the school occurring from day to day is entered in:

a) Cash Book

b) Stock Register

c) Log Book

d) Service Book


99. FTF stands for: ______________________________

Farogh – E – Taleem Fund


100. The validity of the Cash Book will not be accepted without Schedule of payment issued by ___________.

a) DD0

b) EDO

c) AEO

d) AG/ DAO


101. What is first goal of Education For All (EFA)?

a) Provision of free and compulsory primary education for all

b) Increase in adult literacy by 50%

c) Provision of early childhood education and care

d) Improvement in quality of education


102. Which of the following is NOT an eligibility criterion for consideration of a civil servant for promotion?

a) Seniority Position

b) Should possess the required length of service

c) Service record comprising PERs

d) Should have attained higher qualification than the one required at time of recruitment


103. Which statement is true under promotion policy while considering a case of promotion of a civil servant?

a) Notified Seniority list is not mandatory

b) Tentative or Provincial Seniority list will be Accepted by the PSB/ DPC

c) Only Provincial Seniority list will be Accepted by the PSB/ DPC

d) Only Notified Seniority list will be Accepted


104. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the School Council?

a) To increase the enrollment of students

b) To modify / adjust the annual "Taleemi Calendar" of the school

c) To monitor the attendance of teachers /staff

d) To ensure to act upon the compulsory Primary Education Ordinance


105. Maximum period of Leave on Full pay on production of medical certificate by a Govt. Servant fro his leave account that may be granted at one time in entire service is :

a) 365 days

b) 180 days

c) 120 days

d) 730 days


106. Self-concept is a step of:_____________________

a) Personality Development

b) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

c) Motivation process

d) Learning Theory


107. E-learn Punjab is the joint venture of;

a) PITB and SED

b) PITB and Tele Taleenm

c) Tele Taleem and PCTB

d) ITA and DSD


108. The leave salary during disability leave is equal to __________ pay for the first 180 days and __________ pay for the remaining period.

a) Full......half

b) Half ….. full

c) One third ….. half

d) Half … third


109. The monthly expenditure statement is duly verified by:

a) District Education Officer (SE)

b) Executive District Officer (EDO) Edu.

c) District Account Officer (DAO)

d) Executive District Officer (EDO) Finance


110. The National Professional Standards for Teachers asks them to gradually enable students to communicate in English through a national sequence of language acquisition i.e. :

a) Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking

b) Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing

c) Witing, Reading, Listening, Spcaking

d) Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing


111. __________ refers to the connectins between divergent groups heterogeneous societies that lead to the sustaining operations of a country or society.

a) Diversity

b) Globalization

c) Special capital

d) Socialization


112. As per the pension roll system, the pensioner has to produce a life

certificate to the Accountant General Punjab __________  in the prescribed proforma.

a) Monthly

b) Quarterly

c) Biannually

d) Annually


113. How many certificates will be issued by the DDO while closing the cash book at the end of the month.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4


114. An effective activity for students to consolidate their understanding of a , process, theme, topic or piece of text is;

a) Simulation

b) Role Play

c) Animation

d) None of these


115. Write down the steps of payment procedure w.r.t. PPRA.

ANS: All procuring agencies shall make prompt payments to suppliers and contractors against their invoices or running bills within the time given in the coditions of the contract, which shal not exceed thirty days.



The Payment Procedure in PPRA (Public Procurement Regulatory Authority) typically involves the following steps:

1. Receiving the Invoice: The first step of the payment procedure is to receive the invoice from the vendor/supplier. The invoice should contain all necessary details, including the goods or services provided, quantities, rates, and any applicable taxes.

2. Verification of Goods/Services Received: The procuring agency or department responsible for the payment will verify that the goods or services mentioned in the invoice have been received and are as per the agreed terms and conditions.

3. Inspection and Acceptance of Goods/Services: If the payment depends on inspection or acceptance, the goods or services will undergo a thorough inspection to ensure they meet the required quality standards and have been delivered as specified in the procurement contract.

4. Purchase Order and Contract Compliance: The payment procedure requires checking whether the procurement contract and purchase order have been duly followed, including any specific requirements or conditions mentioned therein.

5. Budget Availability and Authorization: The availability of budgetary funds for the payment is verified, and the authorization to make the payment is obtained from the competent authority in accordance with the financial rules and regulations.

6. Generation of Payment Voucher: A payment voucher is generated, which includes all relevant details of the invoice, such as invoice number, date, vendor name, payment amount, and any applicable taxes or deductions.

7. Approval of Payment Voucher: The payment voucher is reviewed and approved by the designated authority responsible for authorizing payments within the organization or agency. This is usually done by the finance or accounts department.

8. Payment Processing: Once the payment voucher is approved, the payment is processed by the finance or accounts department. This may involve issuing a cheque, making an electronic funds transfer, or any other designated payment method.

9. Recording the Payment: After the payment has been made, it is recorded in the accounting system of the organization, ensuring proper financial records are maintained.

10. Reconciliation and Settlement: The payment is reconciled and settled with the vendor/supplier, ensuring there are no outstanding dues or discrepancies.

11. Reporting and Audit: The payment made is reported in financial reports, and it may also be subject to periodic audits to ensure compliance with financial management and control procedures.

It is important to note that the specific steps and procedures may vary depending on the organization's internal financial policies and the specific requirements and guidelines of PPRA or any other regulatory body.


116. Name the categories from where the membership is allowed for school council.

ANS: 1. Parents members        2. teacher member         3. general member


117. Enlist the Grounds for Proceedings and Penalties under PEEDA Act 2006.

i)             Inefficient or has ceased to be efficient for any reason.

ii)            Or guilty of misconduct; or

iii)          Guilty of corruption or is reasonably considered to be corrupt: or

iv)          Engaged or is reasonably believed to be engaged in subversive activitics, andHis retention in service is prejudicial to national security, or is guilty of disclosure of official secrets to any unauthorized person.


118. NPSTs are explained at main levels. Write names of these levels.

The levels at which NPSTs (National Professional Standards for Teachers) are explained are as follows:

1.   Foundational Level

2.   Graduate Level

3.   Proficient Level

4.   Highly Accomplished Level

5.   Lead Level



The levels at which NPSTs (National Professional Standards for Teachers) are explained are as follows:

1. Foundational Level: This level focuses on establishing the fundamental knowledge and skills required for effective teaching. It covers areas such as the understanding of teaching as a profession, professional ethics, and professional development.

2. Graduate Level: This level builds on the foundational level and explores the knowledge and skills necessary for initial teacher education and certification. It covers areas such as subject-specific knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and classroom management.

3. Proficient Level: This level represents the stage at which teachers are deemed competent and experienced practitioners. It focuses on refining and advancing their teaching practice through deepening subject knowledge, enhancing pedagogical strategies, and applying evidence-based approaches.

4. Highly Accomplished Level: This level represents a higher level of expertise and is characterized by significant contributions to the teaching profession. Teachers at this level demonstrate exemplary teaching practice, leadership skills, and the ability to mentor and support other teachers.

5. Lead Level: This is the highest level of expertise and represents leadership and innovation in the teaching profession. Teachers at this level are recognized as exemplary leaders who shape education policy, drive systemic improvement, and make a significant impact on student learning outcomes.

It is important to note that the specific names and descriptions of the levels may vary depending on the country or jurisdiction that has adopted the NPSTs.


119. What are the following abbreviations stands for?

1. FTF : Farogh – E – Taleem Fund

2. ECCE : Early Childhood Care and Education

3. ADU = Academic Education Unit

4. NEF = National Education Foundation


120. As per PPRA Act 2009, any procurement exceeding rupees __________  be advertised on the website of the authority, the website of the procuring agency, , if any, and in at least two National daily newspapers.

a) One million

b) Two million

c) Three million

d) Four million


121. Promotion in case of Non-Selection post shall be made on the basis of;

a) Merit

b) Experience

c) Qualification

d) Seniority-cum-fitness


122. Study leave shall not ordinarily be granted to Civil Servant who have less than __________  year service.

a) 03

b) 04

c) 05

d) 02


123. For effective student centric learning ,teacher's gesture and posture

considered important, which is called as;

a) Body language

b) Expression

c) Eye contact

d) All of these


124. A letter normally used for making inter departmental references,

particularly when files are send to other departments for information of advice is a/an:

a) Memorandum

b) Official letter

c) Unofficial letter

d) Block letter


125. Earned leave account of non- gazetted employee is being maintained in the ____________

a) Order Book

b) Service Book

c) Log Book

d) Acquaintance Roll


126. Reduction a lower stage / stages in pay scale according to PEEDA Act 2006, is subject to a minimum of:

a) 2 stages

b) 3 stages

c) 4 stages

d) 5 stages


127. In effective communication , the percentage of *voice" is;

a) 38 %

b) 45 %

c) 50 %

d) 65 %


128. Which form of official communication is used to forward the original order or application, etc to the quarters concerned for necessary action;

a) Official letter

b) Demi-official letter

c) Order

d) Endorsement


129. During the promotion committee/board meeting, the minimum threshold marks (out of 100) for promotion to BS-19, BS-20 & BS-21, respectively, are;.

a) 50, 60 & 70

b) 60, 70 & 75

c) 70, 75 & 80

d) 75, 80 & 85


130. In which register, remarks are written when a student is recommended for a special merit or punished for misbehavior?

a) Accession Register

b) Conduct Register

c) Examination Register

d) Log Book


131. The teacher is considered in the new world as:

a) A religious agent

b) A change agent

c) Social agent

d) Political agent


132. The maximum period of leave on full pay without a medical certificate is __________ days.

a) 90

b) 120

c) 130

d) 180


133. Punjab Civil Servant Act, 1974 was passed by;

a) National Assembly

b) Punjab Assembly

c) Senate

d) National Security Council


134. Casual leave should not ordinarily exceed ___________ days at a time according to Leave Rules 1981.

a) 10 days

b) 15 days

c) 07 Week

d) 06 Week


135. How many parts of PC-I are there;

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4


136. While studying human behavior and values in light of lce Berg study _________ is visible to others and __________ is not visible to others.

a) Behavior, Performance

b) Pe4rformance , Behavior

c) Attitude, Performance

d) Behavior, Attitude


137. Which of the following is NOT an eligibility criterion for consideration of a civil servant for promotion?

a) Seniority Position

b) Should possess the required length of service

c) Service record comprising PERs

d) Should have attained higher qualification than the one required at time of recruitment


138. Maximum period for which a Civil Servant can be granted LPR is __________ days.

a) 180 days

b) 120 days

c) 365 days

d) 90 days


139. If an official is superseded due to his refusal to accept promotion, his case is again considered after three years. If he again foregoes promotion. For how long he shall be suspended again?

a) One year

b) Two years

c) Three years

d) Permanently


140. Self-concept is a step of ____________

a) Personality Development

b) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

c) Motivation process

d) Learning Theory


141. Only __________ percent of an lce Berg you see, remaining __________

percent is below as sea level.

a) 30,70

b) 10,90

c) 20, 80

d) 5, 95


141. EXpenses of newspapers, coal, ice, stationary are written in:

a) Cash Register

b) Acquaintance Register

c) Contingence Register

d) Stock Register


142. PC-II is a document which is used for;

a) Reporting progress & utilities of project

b) Presenting Final Draft of Project

c) Budget Allocation of Project

d) Making First Draft of the Project


143. As per the amendment in the Revised Leave Rules 1981, a male civil servant may, for a maximum period of be granted paternity leave on or immediately before the birth of his child:

a) 30 days

b) 15 days

c) 07 days

d) 03 days


144. In which register, remarks are written when a student is recommended for a special merit or punished for misbehavior?

a) Accession Register

b) Conduct Register

c) Examnination Register

d) Log Book pay for the first 180


145. Verbal communication does not include:

a) Body language

b) Story telling

c) Rcading aloud

d ) Writing a letter


146. In a learner-centered classroom, the focus of education is

a) Teacher

b) Book

c) Student

d) Curriculum


147. Who is sanctioning authority for awarding study leave to the following:

a) Teachers in BPS-15 DPI EE

b) Teachers in BPS-16 & 17 DPI SE

c) Teachers in BPS-18 & Above Secretary education


148. Write names of any Five types of leave admissible under Govt. Rules.

1.Casual Leave               2. Annual Leave             3. Medical Leave

4. Maternity Leave                    5. Paternity Leave           6. Special Leave


149. Write down the components of communication.



150. Write any four characteristics of being professional at work.

1.   Reliability  2. Competence          3. Ethical Behaviour   4. Positive Attitude


151. What are the following abbreviations used for?

5. FTF:   (Frogh – E – Taleem Fund)

6 QAED: (Quaid -E-Azam Academy For Educatonal Development)

7. PC-I:   (Project Concept - I)


152. For the purpose of consideration of promotion cases by the Provincial

Selection Boards how much marks are allocated for Training Evaluation Reports

a) 70 %

b) 30 %

c) 25 %

d) 15 %


153. According to Kamyab Jawan Programme by Government of Pakistan

launched in October, 2020 will be disbursed to 1400,000 youth  entrepreneur in 5years. Single choice.

a) Rs. 100 billion

b) Rs. 15(0 billion

c) Rs. 100 million

d) Rs. 150 million


154. __________ includes tangible culture (such as buildings. monuments. landscapes ,books, works of art, and artifacts).intangible culture (such as folklore ,traditions, language and knowledge). Single choice.

a) Natural Heritage

b) Civilization

c) Culture

d) Cultural Heritage


155. __________ gives estimate of the total revenue receipts of the organization in a given period. Single choice.

a) Revenue Budget

b) Cash Budget

c) Expense Budget

d) Zero Based Budget (proficient use of ICT) states that teachers


156. In NPSTs ---------- should know and understand the use of computers as Instructional, research and evaluation tool:, Single choice.

a) Standard 5

b) Standard 6

c) Standard 4

d) Standard 7


157. Handling of cash is responsibility of DDO. Single choice

a) True

b) False


158. After a qualifying service of not less than 10 years, may be granted in accordance with the scale laid down. Single choice:

a) Superannuation or compensation pension

b) Superannuation, Invalid or compensation pension

c) Superannuation pension

d) Superannuation, Retiring Invalid or compensation pension


159. __________ assessment is an evaluation approach used by teachers to continuously monitor student performance through the use of formal and informal techniques. Single choice;

a) Summative

b) Formative

c) Large scale

d) School based


160. A KPI is a list that a person might use for general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position. Single choice. ;

a) True

b) False


161.Competent authority to initiate disciplinary action under PEEDA Act

against SST is : Single choice:

a) DEO(SE)

b) DCO

c) CEO(Edu)

d) Assistant Director


162. __________ is the state in which two or more groups are living together while respecting their differences and resolving their conflicts nonviolently. Single choice:

a) Tolerance

b) Co-existence

c) Harmony

d) Non aggression


163. Under section 5 of PEEDA Act 2006, an employee against whom action is proposed may be placed under suspension for a period of ; Single choice .

a) 45 days

b) 60 days

c) 90 days

d) 120 days


164. ECE means that all students attend and are welcomed by their neighborhood schools in age-appropriate , regular classes and are supported to learn,contribute and participate in all aspects of the life of the school. Single choice

a) True

b) False


165. The chairman of Departmental Selection Committees (at District level) for posts in BS-11 and above is ; Single choice

a) District Officer Concerned

b) Chief Executive Officer

c) Executive District Officer (F&P)

d) District Coordination Officer


166. Government purchases of goods and services for current use are classed as government consumption. Single choice:

a) True

b) False


167. Teams are especially appropriate for carrying out tasks that are high in complexity and have many independent sub-tasks. Single choice.

a) True

b) False


168. A Job Description is a type of performance measurement that helps you understand how your organization, department, or institution is performing and allows you to understand if you're headed in the right direction with your strategy- Single choice:

a) True

b) False


169. Assessment of LND done by MEAs on yearly basis. Single choice.

 a) True

b) False


170. __________ assessnent entails assessment of core literacy (multilingua) and numeracy skills at key stages of schooling, Single choice.

 a) Large scale

b) School based

c) Summative

d) Formative


171. A total marks shall be allocated to the training Evaluation Reports for Mandatory Training Courses under Promotion Policy 2010. Single choice :

a) 5


c) 15

d) 20


172. Persons with disabilities shall not be denied admission into any education institution, whether state owned or private, on ground of their disabilities. Single choice;

a) True

b) False


173. According to Tuckman, 1965, second stage of forming a team is Single

choice ;

a) Norming

b) Forming

c) Storming

d) Mourning


174. In un-official letter, letterhead bearing the words "Government of the

Punjab" and the name of the Department. Single choice :

a) True

b) False


175. There are six parts of PER. Single choice.

a) True

b) False


176. ___________ budget means the sum of approved estimates of cost of establishment and operating expenditure for day to day running of a District Authority, other than development works for a fiscal year. Single choice.

a) Cash

b) Current

c) Revenue

d) Expense


177. BM-2 is Monthly Reconciliation of current expenditure. Single choice;

a) True

b) False


178. The income tax on purchase , will be deducted at the rate of; Single choice.

a) 4 %

b) 3.5 %

c) 3 %

d) 3.4 %


179. Full DA is allowed when absence from HQ exceeds four hour and duty is performed beyond radius of 10 miles/16 KMs and overnight stay is not involved. Single choice.;

a) True

b) False


179. A good Quality Education is one that provides all learners with capabilities they require to become economically productive, develop sustainable livelihoods, contribute to peaceful and democratic societies and enhance individual well-being. Single choice.

a) True

b) False



180. SDP stands for School development Plan ;. Single choice.

a) True

b) False


181. With summative assessments students are evaluated upon completion of the work and the focus is on the final product;. Single choice.

a) True

b) False


182. A civil servant who is suspended on any account shall not be considered for promotion unless he has earned;. Single choice.

a) Two more PERs for two full years

b) The relaxation after being superseded

c) One more PER for one full year

d) None of these


183. Govt. servant who retires on attaining the age of 60 years gets Single choice.

a) Compensation Pension

b) Invalid Pension

c) Superannuation Pension

d) Retiring Pension


184. According to TA Rules mileage allowance rate for public transport is ;. Single choice.

a) Rs. 4/ Km

b) Rs. 2.5 / Km

c) Rs. 10/ Km

d) Rs. 2 / Km


185. Govt. Servant is required to travel by the class of accommodation for which he is entitled. If he travels at lower class, he will not be entitled to any typed used ; Single choice.

a) True

b) False


186. The ---------- shall be Principal Accounting Officer of District Education Authority and shall perform such functions as are assigned to him under this act or delegated top him by the DEA or the Government;. Single choice.

a) Chief Accountant

b) Chief Auditor

c) Chief Executive Officer

d) AEO


187. School Improvement Planning Cycle consists of steps;. Single choice.

a)     7

b)    6

c)     4

d)    5


188. Govt. expenditures that are not purchased of goods and services, and

instead just represent transfers of money - such social security payments  are called--------------- ;. Single choice.

a) Disbursements

b) Transfer Payments

c) Investments

d) Consumptions


189. There are in total National Professional Standards for Teachers:.

Single choice.

a)    9

b)   11

c)    10

d)   12


190. 1f an official is superseded due to his refusal to accept promotion, his case is again considered after three years. If he again foregoes promotion. For how long he shall be suspended again? Single choice.

a) One year

b) Two years

c) Three years

d) Permanently


191. DEA stands for Divisional Education Authority;. Single choice.

a) True

b) False


192. With formative assessments, students are evaluated during the work

process and the focus is on improving the process;. Single choice.

a) True

b) False


193. Summative assessment is an evaluation approach used by teachers

continuously monitor student performance through the use of formal and

informal techniques;. Single choice.

a) True

b) False


194. Standards 5 of NPSTs is ;. Single choice.

a) Subject Matter Knowledge

b) Knowledge of Islamic Ethical Values / Social Life Skills

c) Assessment

d) Human Growth and Development


195. Motivation can be defined as; . Single choice.

 a) A force that makes us do things, so that we have inspiration to complete the task.

b) A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way

c) The act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something

d) All of the above


196. Active youth(15-64 years) population in Punjabis 50% according to economic survey of Pakistan 2019 - 20. Single choice.

a) True ss

b) False


197. What are the components of attitude?

ANS: 1. Belief                          2. knowledge                            3. Feelings


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