38 MCQs | Pre – Test for Promotion Linked Training (PLT) for Education Department


38 MCQs | Pre – Test for Promotion Linked Training (PLT) for Education Department

Important MCQs

Budget, GST & PST and Income Tax


The Pre-Test (MCQs) for Promotion Linked Training (PLT) for the Education Department is designed to assess the knowledge and understanding of participants in key areas such as Budget, GST & PST, and Income Tax.

The Budget section of the test aims to evaluate the comprehension of participants regarding the allocation and management of financial resources within the Education Department. It will cover topics such as revenue sources, expenditure priorities, and budgetary constraints. Participants will be required to demonstrate their understanding of budgeting principles and their ability to make informed decisions based on financial data.

The GST & PST segment of the test will assess the participants' knowledge of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST) regulations. They will be evaluated on their understanding of the key concepts, such as taxable supplies, input tax credits, and tax exemptions. Participants will be expected to apply this knowledge to various scenarios to determine the correct GST and PST calculations.

The Income Tax component of the test will focus on the understanding of participants regarding the income tax system, including the basic rules, exemptions, deductions, and tax brackets. They will be tested on their ability to calculate taxable income, determine tax liabilities, and interpret tax-related documents, such as T4 and T1 forms.

This Pre-Test is an essential component of the Promotion Linked Training (PLT) for the Education Department as it provides a foundation for participants to further enhance their knowledge and skills in critical financial areas. The outcomes of this test will help identify gaps in knowledge and determine the appropriate training methods to address these gaps, ensuring that participants are well-prepared for their future roles within the Education Department.


38 MCQs | Pre – Test for Promotion Linked Training (PLT) for Education Department

Important MCQs

Budget, GST & PST and Income Tax


     1.     Budget is a description of --------------- an organization:

A.  Rule of business

B.  Financial plan

C.  Administrative power

D. None of these


     2.     A method of budgeting in which all expenditure is justified in each new period is:

A.  Cash budgeting.

B.  Revenue budgeting.

C.  Expense budget.

D. Zero based budgeting.


     3.     The amount exempted from the income tax is less than or equal to:

A.  700000

B.  800000

C.  900000

D. 600000


     4.     Budget estimates are revised during the current financial year through:

A.  PPRA Rule

B.  Delegation of Financial powers

C.  2nd statement of excesses and surrenders

D. None of these


     5.     Adhoc relief allowance increases with increase in Basic pay:

A.  Special allowance                             25%.

B.  Special allowance                             15%

C.  Adhoc relief allowance 2022             15%

D. None


     6.     Budget of vacant post is calculated from ---------- stage of pay scale:

A.  Average of 1 and last.

B.  1st

C.  Last

D. None of these


     7.     Integrated allowance is not for:

A.  Naib Qasid/Qasid

B.  Daftri/Frashes/Sweeper/Sweepers

C.  Chowkidar/ Security Guard

D. Bulavi/Mali


     8.     Following is not included towards pension:

A.  Personal Allowance

B.  Personal Pay

C.  Basic Pay

D. Senior Post Allowance


     9.     Planning and budgeting are two -------------- operations:

A.  Segregate

B.  Complementary

C.  Aggregate

D. Vice versa


   10.   2nd statement of excesses and surrenders is prepared on the bases of last --------------- month’s expenditure of the running Financial Years:

A.  4

B.  6

C.  8

D. 10


   11.   2nd statement of excesses and surrenders is prepared in the month of ---------------:

A.  February

B.  March

C.  April

D. May


   12.   In the process of budgeting at --------------- level targets are fixed 1st and income is generated accordingly:

A.  Macro

B.  Micro

C.  Individual

D. None of these


   13.   N.S.B. relates to:

A.  Other than salary estimate.

B.  Basic Pay

C.  Regular Allowances

D. None of these


   14.   2nd statement of excesses and surrenders means:

A.  Additional Allocation

B.  Schedule of new Establishment

C.  Supplementary Grant

D. None of these


   15.   Budget is a ---------- and --------- tool for the financial management of an organization.

Answer: Planning, Controlling


   16.   Planning and budgeting are ------------- complementary operations:

Answer: Two


   17.   Three fundamental types of budgets are:


                     1.      Revenue budget               

                     2.      Cash budget.

                     3.      Expense budget


   18.   Two approaches of budgeting are:


     1.     Incremental

     2.     Zero Based budget


   19.   Letter to collect information right from DDOs and line of Head of offices is called ---------------:

Answer: Budget call letter


   20.   Monthly expenditure statement is prepared by ---------- and verified by -----------:

Answer:  DDO, DAO


   21.   ------------ is responsible to prepare school budget:

Answer: DDO


   22.   School need ----------- to carry out their program.

Answer: Budget



Please circle the true/ false:

   23.   Budget is a statement of receipt and expenditure during a financial year. (TRUE)


   24.   Budget is a tool to give input required to achieve output. (TRUE)



   25.   Category wise number of sanctioned posts is not required for preparation of budget. (FALSE)


   26.   An expenditure statement is prepared after 3 months. (FALSE)



   27.   Pay along with allowances are calculated for preparation of budget. (TRUE)



24. These abbreviations stands for:

Ø NSB -------------- Non-Salary Budget

Ø BCL -------------- Budget Call Letter.

Ø DDO ------------- Drawing Disbursing Officer

Ø BM --------------- Budget Manual

Ø SNE -------------- Schedule of New Expenditure.

Ø DP ---------------- Draft Para

Ø MEFDAC ------------ Memorandum For Departmental Accounts Committee

Ø SDAC ------------- Special Departmental Accounts Committee

Ø GDAC ------------- General Departmental Accounts Committee

Ø AP ------------------ Advance Para.


     1.     Forum for settlement of Audit observation is -------?         (DAC)

     2.     Forum for settlement of Advance Para is ----------?            (SDAC)

     3.     Forum for settlement of Draft Para is ----------?                 (PAC)

     4.     Forum for settlement of MEFDAC is ----------?                  (SDAC)

     5.     Forum for settlement of proposed Draft Para is ----------? (SDAC)


27. 1ST statement Excess and surrender contains expenditure for Months of -------------?

A.  July to October.

B.  November to February.

C.  March to June.


28. Second statement of Excess and surrender contains expenditure for Months of ---------------?

A.  November to June.

B.  July to February.

C.  March to June.


29. Principal of Accounting Officer of District Education Authority is: -

A.  DEO (SE)



D. Chairman (DEA)


30. Re-appropriation of funds is the competency of officer in category: -

A.  I

B.  II




31. P.S.T is charged on labour at the rate of:

A.  16%

B.  10%

C.  4.5%

D. 17%


32. G.S.T is charged on purchases from registered firm at the rate of:

A.  16%

B.  10%

C.  4.5%

D. 17%


33. Income tax is deducted for purchases from the registered firm at the rate of:

A.  16%

B.  10%

C.  4.5%

D. 17%


34. Income tax is deducted on labour of registered firm:

A.  16%

B.  10%

C.  4.5%

D. 17%


35. G.S.T is deducted at source from registered firm:

A.  2/5

B.  3/5

C.  4/5

D. 1/5


36.  Basic pay of officers/ officials is calculated on form:

A.  BDD3

B.  BDC3


D.  BDO3

37. Adhoc relief Allowance does not increase with increase in Basic Pay:

A.  2016

B.  2017

C.  2018

D. 2019

38. Integrated allowance is for:

A.  Science teacher.

B.  Head of Institution.

C.  Clerk of School.

D.  Class-IV employee.


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