The proverb “No pains, No Gains” has universal importance. Let us relate a story in this context.
old and ailing farmer had four sons. All were young, smart and healthy. The
tragedy with them was that they hated work and roamed about in the village.
Their irresponsible attitude towards life was a source of anxiety for their
father. He often tried to bring home to them the importance of work, but the
boys took his advice as the babbling of an Oldman and paid no attention to him.
Days passed and the Oldman reached the verge of death. He again sent for them and told them that work is worship and idleness is a curse. Again, his advice proved a cry in the wilderness. However, the Oldman did not lose heart, thought of a scheme and decided to use the trump card. When he was sure that he would more survive, he once again sent for his sons and told them that he had buried all his wealth somewhere in the land. He did not tell the exact place where the treasure lay buried. He asked his sons to find out the treasure after his death and with these words he died. After a few days, the three brothers started digging the land here, there and everywhere.

They took great pains to dig the land. They could not find any treasure and thought that their father might have told a lie to them.

passed and they sowed in crops on the land. When the time of harvest came, the
land yielded rich crops. They sold the crops in the market at high rates and
earned a lot. In the evening, when they were counting their wealth, the younger
brother understood the implications of his father's last words. This was the
treasure he had buried in the land. This was the wealth the Oldman wanted to
give them. He told this to his brothers and reality dawned upon them.
prayed for their father who had taught them the importance of work.
1. No pains, No Gains.
2. Work is worship.
3. Idleness is a curse.
4. Hard work is always rewarded.