What is Friendship?




“Without friends, no one would choose to live, though he had all other good”. Man is a social animal, Aristotle says: “Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god”.

It is very difficult for a man to live without friends. Seclusion is certainly very shocking and the pain that accompanies it cannot be adequately expressed in words. That is why introverted confinement in jails is considered to be a punishment much more intense than rigorous imprisonment. Gregarious Instinct in man is very powerful. It is the flora not only of man but also of most species of animals to live in company.

Of many individuals around us, we choose just a few of them to be intimate with us. They are mostly like-minded people whose tastes, likes, and dislikes are common with us. Their principles and philosophy of life are identical to ours. They have the same sort of hobbies and recreations as we have. In short, we have numerous things in communal. It is on the basis of the identity of views, habits, and tastes that the edifice of lasting friendship is raised. Factual friendship means “a soul dwelling in two bodies”. It is also supposed that “a friend is one's other self”.

Friendship, the peculiar boon of Heaven,

To noble minds' delight and pride,

To men and angels only, giv'n,

To all, the lower worlds are denied.

Such friendships are usually formed in the early days of life and nurtured with growing years. The classrooms and the playgrounds are the places where the foundations of lasting friendships are laid, where opportunities are available to understand one another and get to know our companions from close quarters. Some of the finest friendships are stuck in school, blossom with age, and remain long-lasting till old age. When old friends meet, they derive real pleasure from each other's company by reviving old memories.

Here is the best friendship quote, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." He must come to your salvage in an event of an emergency and offer aid, even without your asking for it. He must love you, yourself, and not your situation if you are to be actual friends. He must inspire you to daze your difficulties, escalate your good qualities, and admire your intelligence and diligence. He should have the bravery to stand by you through thick and thin. In the words of Coleridge, “Friendship is a sheltering tree”.

Constancy and loyalty are qualities that lay a firm foundation for a true friendship.


A truthful friend is a strong defense and a great gem. A true friend is modest, and he mildly mends the weaknesses of his friend. He always gives him good advice and never sacrifices the interests of his friend to grind his own axe. A true friend is always generous, kind, candid, and sincere in his contact with his friend. He tries to conceal his failings and proclaims his virtues.

Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them. A factual friend is not a fair-weather friend. He shares your afflictions with a smiling face, bolsters your spirits in your dark days, and encourages you to face the challenges of life. He does not shirk lending a helping hand when needed.

George, Washington says:

“Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well-tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation”.

Friendship is surely the finest unguent for the pangs of disillusioned love. A true friend is closer to us than our closest relatives. To him, we can safely confide all the secrets of our life, which at times we do not confide to our nearest relations.


Friendship is like a tender plant that has to be protected from the whims of weather, the nibble of the frost, and the rage of wind. It has to be watered, clipped, and looked after. Lack of warmth and warmth may cool down a friendship and eventually kill it. If it is founded on selfish interests and personal motives, it is no more than a commercial alliance.

What is friendship but a name?

A charm that lulls one to sleep

The shadow that follows wealth and fame

And leaves the wretch to weep.


There is a Japanese proverb:

“When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends”.

A man is known by the company he keeps. In the final analysis, the selection of friends depends on personal ideals.              

A selfish friend always leaves us in the lurch, and then we repent over our choice, but it is useless to cry over spilled milk.

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