Importance of School Discipline

School Discipline

School Discipline

“Discipline is doing what you know needs to be done even if you don't want to do it.”

Discipline is a set of rules and regulations. Those who follow rules and act according to a certain system are termed, disciplined people. Discipline is the second name of orderliness and system. Discipline should be exercised in every field of life. The children must learn certain rules at home and then at school. Home discipline is needed to rear up good children and school discipline is needed to make children good and responsible people.

“Without discipline, there's no life at all.”

School Discipline

The child who learns discipline at home becomes a good student at school. His qualities of discipline flourish at school where he does everything according to certain rules. At school, he does everything according to the system of the school. He wears the uniform, certain shoes, and such other things. He reaches the school at a fixed time. He attends the classes according to a timetable. Then the break-time is already fixed. Thus there he learns to live and work with discipline. He takes his examination according to a specific paper pattern. Every student gets the same question paper. The students are awarded marks according to standard. All these things happen in accordance with discipline. Thus the school is the most important place where a child learns discipline. Those who do not obey and act against any of the school rules are punished in various ways. This shows how important discipline is in schools. The students are taught to realise the importance of discipline in life. They are taught that life without discipline is just a disorderly jumble of various deeds. Such a life is not worth - living.

“Discipline is the key to success.”

School Discipline

When these disciplined students enter the practical life, they prove to be very good citizens and successful persons. The discipline they have learnt at school helps them a lot in their practical life. They apply that orderliness in their life. They become very happy and successful. They become law-abiding citizens as well. Do they do their duties well?


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