Joseph Conrad: A Romantic Artist ( Heart of Darkness )C H A P T E R # 9

C H A P T E R # 9

Joseph Conrad: A Romantic Artist


The life-story of Conrad - and this includes the spiritual autobiography traced out by his fiction - is an extraordinarily apt example of the typical artist's triumphant passive resistance to the world. Does not the very date of Conrad's death, the 3rd of August, seem to signify something relating to his artistic personality? It is an entry in the calendar between Shelley's birthday and Marryat's death, between the anniversary of the birth of a romantic singer who was a highly intelligent poet, and that of the death of superbly matter-of-fact writer of sea stories, whose realism won the admiring regard of Conrad, who was born romantic and made realist.

Conrad's literary character, which has been labelled, perhaps owing to a slight twisting of Conrad's own statements, as romantic-realist, by Miss Ruth M. Stauffer. For the psychology of the artist explains his "romantic-realism". Some such an explanation is a necessity of criticism, for Conrad's 'realism' is rather like quicksilver in the eager hands of thought, apt to escape when grasped too closely, it is Conrad's sense of reality that makes him great, not his realism, though he is notable among impressionists.

Between his craftsman's conscience, which imposes on him a certain detachment from the dramas he conceives and elaborates, Conrad seems to be driven just after the beginning of his career as a writer, when he was forty, to the ideal of art for art's sake. 

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