Sargodha Board Paper 2013 Group - I

Section - I

Write short answers to any six questions from book II ( Modern Prose And Heroes, Part - I)

Q.1 What happened when the wandering star came nearer  and  nearer?

Answer : A wandering star came near the sun. It raised a big wave on the surface of the sun.

Q.2 What are modern methods of preserving food?

Answer : Food is preserved by the freeze and dehydration methods.

Q.3 Why do the students capable of hard work fail?

Answer : Because they cannot sit and focus on there study. They fail because of their nervous habits.

Q.4 What did David Daiches do with small pocket money?

Answer : He put it into a money box.

Q.5 Why did J.C.Squire call himself ass?

Answer : The writer called himself an ass as he had showed his fear just for nothing.

Q.6 Describe a day in the life of a Chinese student?

Answer : A Chinese student gets at six o'clock in the morning. She stays at school from eight to 11 in the morning. He comes back for a lunch. She goes back to school again from 1:30 to 3 o'clock.

Q.7 Describe some great famines of the past.

Answer : Several great famines came into Egypt, Europe, China , Russia and India. Millions of people died in these famines of the past.

Q.8 Why was Cordova called ‘The jewel of the world’?

Answer : In the age, Cordova was so developed a city, that it was considered a centre of all cultural activities. Therefore, it was called’ The jewel of the world’.

Q.9 How many books were there in the library at Cordova?

Answer : There were Four Lacs books in the library at Cordova.

Write short answers to any six questions  from book - II ( Modern Prose And Heroes, Part - II).

Q.1 Why did Churchill not do well in examination?

Answer : Churchill did not like Latin and Mathematics. He could not answer the questions about these subjects. Therefore, he could not do well in the examination.

Q.2 What were the intelligent boys taught at Harrow?

Answer : They were taught Latin, Greek and Mathematics.

Q.3 Describe Christopher’s journey from Ghardia to El-Golea ?

Answer : He got frightened when the driver told him about the death of three English men. His two water bag burst. This added to their difficulties. Anyhow, he reached El-Golea at last.

Q.4 What was the chief defect of Antiseptic Method?( Fleming)

Answer : The chief defect of antiseptic method was that it destroyed the white cells of the body.

Q.5 How did Pasteur cure Hydrophobia or Rabies?

Answer : He weekend the spinal cord of a rabbit suffering from rabies. He introduced it into dogs and give them immune to hydrophobia.

Q.6 What do you mean by Spontaneous Generation?

Answer : It is the theory that life can come into being from non - living materials.

Q.7 What did Mustafa Kamal reply when he was ordered to return?

Answer : He replied that he will stay in Anatolia until the nation has won its independence.

Q.8 What revolutionary steps were taken by Mustafa Kamal to modernize the Turkish Society?

Answer : He brought many changes in the fields of education, economics and industries. He built new roads and railways. He replaced Fez by Hat .

Write short answer to any Eight questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr Chips.

Q.1 What were Wetherby’s encouraging words to Mr Chips?

Answer : He asked Chips to work with enthusiasm. He asked him to keep discipline and firm attitude from the beginning.

Q.2 How did Mr Chips realize that he was suitable for Brookfield only?

Answer : He had a moderate social status. His academic status was modest. Therefore, Chips realized that he was a suitable for Brookfield.

Q.3 How was Mr Chips’ room decorated at Mrs Wickett’s house?

Answer: Chips room was decorated simply. There were a few bookshelves, sporting trophies,and big easy chairs.

Q.4 What kind of fellow was Mr Chips before marriage?

Answer: Before marriage, he was dry person. He was liked in general but was not very popular.

Q.5 How did Katherine help Mr Chips in the matters of discipline?

Answer: She advised Chips in the matter of discipline. She asked him not to punish his students all the time. She urged him to give them a chance.

Q.6 Why did Mr Chips not want to receive condolences?

Answer: Because he did not want to talk to anyone.

Q.7 Why did Mr Ralston leave Brookfield?

Answer: He left Brookfield in 1911. He was offered the headship of another Public School.

Q.8 How did Mr Chatteris behave with Mr Chips?

Answer: Chatteris was a friendly fellow. He wisely accepted Mr Chips. He behaved Chips kindly.

Q.9 Why did Mr Chips join Brookfield again?

Answer: Chatteris requested Chips to join the school again. He asked Chips to help him. Thus Chips accepted his request.

Q.10 How did Mr Chips keep the boys normal during the air raid?

Answer: He said if it was their fate to die, they should die in doing something good. In this way he kept the students normal during selling.

Q.11 What was Mr Chips will?

Answer: Mr Chips made his will in 1930. He gave some of his legacies to the mission and to Mrs Wickett. He donated all his remaining property to the fund for the school scholarships.

Q.12 Who was Linford?

Answer : He was the last visitor of Chips. Chips welcomed him and treated him gently.
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