Sargodha Board Paper 2013 Group - II

Section - I

Q.1 What is the planetary system?

Answer : When a star thrown off  its pieces, they begin to move round it. These pieces are called its planets. Their relative arrangement and distances from each other and from the star is called a planetary system.

Q.2 How are we different from our forefathers in outlook?

Answer : We are less fearful and more critical than our forefathers.

Q.3 What place would you accord to sportsman in colleges?

Answer : If a student is too much interested in games, he should be asked to become a professional player.

Q.4 How did David Daiches spend his summer holidays?

Answer : He spent the summer holidays in his village.

Q.5 What sort of books were presented by the british public to the soldiers?

Answer : They were presented magazines, guides to the lake district  and back numbers of whitaker’s almanac.

Q.6 How did the doctor examine the writer?

Answer : The doctor looked down into his mouth. He felt his pulse. He hit him over the chest. Then he butted him with the side of his head.

Q.7 How did the manager look?

Answer : He looked to be a grave and calm man.

Q.8 Discuss Chinese agriculture system?

Answer : This system works through the system of communes.

Q.9 How do famine occur?

Answer : It occurs when the available food is not enough for the population.

Write short answer any six questions from book - II

Q.1 What kind of subjects did Churchill like?

Answer : He liked History,Poetry and Writing essays.

Q.2 Why was the area named as’ The land of thirst and death’?

Answer : It was named so because it was notorious for sandstorms and dried - up waterholes.

Q.3 Who was  professor Claude Balengernon?

Answer : He was a Frenchman. He was giving education to the people.

Q.4 How can we destroy the germs?

Answer : We can destroy germs either by heat or by carbolic acid.

Q.5 Why was Fleming’s family called doctors’ family?

Answer : Fleming belonged to a medical family. One of his three brothers was oculist . Two others were  opticians. One of his sisters married to a doctor. Therefore, his family was called to be a medical family.

Q.6 How did Pasteur prove that Spontaneous Generation was not a fact?

Answer : He proved: ‘if a substance is heated enough to destroy all life in it and their contact with it should be filtered, bacteria do not developed in it’.

Q.7 Why did Mehmet order Mustafa Kamal to returned to Constantinople?

Answer: He came to know that Mustafa Kamal was organising patriots against allies. So he ordered him to come back at once.

Q.8 What was Mustafa Kamal social reforms in the country?

Answer : He brought many changes in the fields of education, economics and industry. He introduced democracy and improved the position of women.

Write short answer to any Eight questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr. Chips.

Q.1 Why did Mr. Chips leave Melbury School?

Answer: He worked at Mulberry school for one year. He did not like it. He tired and anxious there. Therefore he left the school.

Q.2 What was the greatest ambition of Mr. Chips?

Answer: The greatest ambition of chips was to get promotion and to marry a young girl.

Q.3 What type of life was Mr. Chips leading at Mrs Wicketts?

Answer: He was leading happy, easy and comfortable life. He had no worries in his mind.

Q.4 How did Katherine broaden Mr. Chips views and opinions?

Answer: He was a dry man. She made him a new man. She broadened his views and opinion.

Q.5 Why could Mr. Chips not write his autobiography?

Answer: Because he was much tired physically and mentally. Moreover he lost his memories.

Q.6 Who was Mr Jones?

Answer: He was a servant in the railway department. He had the charge of the signal box.

Q.7 What allegations were put on the teaching and personality of Mr. Chips?

Answer: Ralston said that his methods of teaching your old and lazy. His habits were slovenly. He ignored his instructions.

Q.8 What did happen on Mafeking Night?

Answer: They burnt a bonfire on Mafeking Night. The fire got wild and they had to send for the fire brigade to put it out.

Q.9 Why did Mr Chatteris  seek Mr. Chips help during the world war?

Answer: The young master of the school had joined the army. He had to take the classes till mid-nights. Therefore, he requested Chips to rejoin the school.

Q.10 Why did Mr. Chips resign at the end of the world war and did not accept farewell presentations?

Answer: Because he thought that there was no need of him in the school anymore. He did not get any farewell presentations as he thought these things unnecessary.

Q.11 What does Mr. Chips say about Gregson?

Answer: He told Gregson that he remembered him. He was always late in everything. Chips said perhaps, he would be late in growing old like him.

Q.12 Why was Mr. Chips remembering his students when he breathed his last?

Answer: Because he loved them as his children.
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