Friendship (Easy)


Friendship is union of two  hearts with regard to mind, thoughts and company. It is a name of total trust, mutual confidence and faith. It is often made in the early years of life. It does not demand any reason or  justification. It is formed not made. You cannot make a friend of your own choice. Friends are an index of our mind. They are the most precious treasure. True friendship requires self sacrifice. It demand sincerity.

Friendship open the mind and gives relief  to the passions. It is sharing of different emotions, joys, sorrows, miseries,  griefs, fears, hopes and suspicions. It provides a sense of confidence, trust and  possession. It creates a sense of sacrifice. A true friend is more precious than all the wealth of the world. It requires firmness of mind and long-term thought. It affects man's character and feelings. It is rightly said,

A man is known by the company he keeps.

It is easy to make a friend but very difficult to maintain lasting friendship. It requires constancy, sacrifice and loyalty. It is a give and take affair. You cannot accept a man for his good points and reject him for his bad ones. You have to accept him as he is. You will have to accommodate with him at any cost. You will not injure his feelings.

Friends are of three kinds. First , those who come close only to eat and drink. Second , those who offer only lip service and retreat in the hour of needs. Third ,  those who sacrifice even their lives and property. A true friendship tests and tries men. And true test of friendship is adversity because all are friends of good times but very few are the friends of adversity.

Friendship is like a sheltering tree. (S.T.Coleridge)

It is tenderer than a is sweeter than the fragrance of the rose. It needs sincerity. Only a slight selfishness is enough for it to wither away. Several factors can destroy a true friendship. Lack of warm feelings and courtesy and perhaps play the most cruel role.

Friendship is a gift of Allah. Friendship with good people blesses a man manifold.a good friend always leads and guides to goodness. It defends his friend when a person speaks ill of him.  The man who has no friend, suffers from distraction of thoughts, loneliness and separation.

True friendship is a source of reform of man's manners and morality. It rubs him up. It polishes him. It purifies his enlivens his drooping soothes and embalms him. He feels a sense of company even when he is alone. It is the best cure of selfishness,miserliness and lack of confidence. 
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