The Definite Article: The

The Definite Article:  The
 The is a form of the demonstrative adjective, that.
 It is used: -
a)    To particularize a Common Noun, i.e., to point out or specify a particular thing or object, for example:
I gave him the blue pencil.  Did you see the book?
B)  When a Singular noun stands for a class; as,
 The dog is a faithful animal.  The rose is the sweetest of all flowers.  The camel is the ship of the desert.
C)  As an Adverb with a Comparative; as,
  The poorer the happier.  The longer I live the greater grows my admiration for the Quaid.  The higher you go the better the view.
D)  With Superlative, because the specify singular objects; as,
 John is the cleverest boy in the class.  Iqbal was the greatest poet.  He is the most popular teacher.
E)  Before adjective representing a class; as,
 The rich and the poor; the virtuous shall be blessed, the godless rejoice in a life of sin.
F)  Before Proper nouns when these happen to be the names of rivers, oceans, mountains, seas, capes, ships, regiments, groups of Islands (but not single Island), Gulfs, canal, Plaines, desserts, winds, Straits; as,
 The Indus; The Himalayas; The Bay of Bengal; The Cape of Good Hope; The Revenge; The 31st Punjabis; The Andamans; The Persian Gulf; The Suez Canal; The Indo Gangetic Plain; The Sahara; The Trade Winds; The Trade of Malacca.
Note:  The is not used before the names of single mountains and single Islands; as,
 Ceylon, Madagascar, Java, Mount Everest, Mount Abu.
Also note these: The Argentina, The Hague, The Shetlands, The Netherlands, The Savoy, The Crimea, The Balkans, The Transvaal.
G)  Before a Proper noun descriptive of the places as,
The Punjab, The Deccan; The Sudan.
H)  Before the names of books; as,
 The Quran; The Bible; The Oxford companion to English Literature; The Dynasts.
But we say: -
Hardy’ s Dynasts, Valmiki’s Ramayana.
The is also used before the names of newspapers; as,
 The Pakistan Times; The Nation; The Chicago Times
I)  Before a Common noun to give it the meaning of an Abstract noun; as,
The judge (the spirit of Justice) in him condemned him to death.
 She wanted to hate him but the woman in her dictated another course of action.
J)  With the force of a Superlative; as,
 He is the man (i.e.; he is the best man) for this post.
It is the thing to do (i.e.; it is the best thing to do)


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