Life Is Struggle

Life Is Struggle

We are not here to play, to dream, to drift.
We have hard work to do, and loads to lift,
Shun not the struggle, ‘t’s God's gift.

 Edison ,the world's greatest inventor and scientist, was a poor Telegraph operator . He failed a number of times before. He was driven, finally, to the discovery of the genius which slept within his brain .
Charles Dickens begin by pasting labels on blacking pots . Disappointment in love drove him to literature . By hard work he became the greatest novelist of the 19th century .

Helen Keller became deaf, dumb and blind shortly after birth . Despite her misfortunes she has written her name in the pages of the history of the Great . Her entire life has served as evidence that no one is defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality .

These and many other persons who were seriously handicapped in the game of life never once  yielded to their foes, and at last won the game by heroic struggle . They had to fight against heavy odds, and there were times when the game was almost lost, but none of them accepted defeat’ As a reality’:

The life of man------ from birth to death---- is a struggle:
We are born in other’s pain
And Perish in our own

In the Mother's Womb the child struggles against a number of difficulties . When the child is born it finds itself in a world where every moment is full of struggle . When he grows up into a man, this struggle is further intensified . Write up to death he must keep fighting otherwise he will be clean bowled out of life . Darwin, who had studied the struggle between in different species, came to the conclusion that there is a continuous struggle for existence . In the race for life only the fittest can survive . If we study the history of men and Nations we will find that struggle goes on in every form and field of life .  Those who cannot join the struggle have no right to ask for the prize .

The entire story of human civilization is a story of struggle against the forces of nature . In the beginning man lived in Caves . Sun and rain, clouds and thunderstorms frightened him to death . When the rivers were in spate, he of road human sacrifice to appease their anger . When he looked upon the  huge mountains, he prostrated before them . But soon man came to realise that he can defeat the hostile forces of nature by his struggle against them, and even turn them to his use . Today, we find that his struggle has been rewarded . The forces of nature are no longer hostile to man; nor man is afraid of them . He has harnessed the rivers . They irrigate his land, eliminate is towns and cities . The arid deserts have been converted into Fruit Gardens . The mountains are no longer unassailable . Mount Everest and K - 2 have been conquered bye man . In the field of chemistry, medicine and physics the story of human struggle is still more astonishing . A story from the life of Henry Ford will illustrate it amply .

If you years back, Henry Ford decided to produce his now famous V - 8 Motor . He choose to build an engine with the entire 8 cylinder cost in one block, and  instructed the engineers to produce a design for the engine . The design was placed on paper, but the engineers agreed, to a man, that it was simply impossible to cast an 8 cylinders gas engine Block in one piece . Henry Ford said:” produce it in anyway.” They replied: “ it is impossible.” But what was impossible at first or second attempt, became a solid possibility through human struggle .

Man’s struggle is not only against the forces of nature, or physical environment but also against Society for social, economic and political rights . In the past struggled against autocrates for the right to live . Today the struggle against parliaments and assemblies for more rights, power and privileges . The communists are struggling against capitalism, and the capitalists are contending against communism . This struggle goes on everywhere in the world.

The rewards that we get in life are in direct proportion to our efforts . Life offers abundance and prosperity to those who  merit it . It gives poverty and misery to a man who is lazy and in different . A great poet has beautifully stated this universal truth in these lines:

“If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win, but think you can't,
It is almost certain you won’t,
If you think you will lose, you’re lost.
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will------
It's all in the state of mind.”

Thus ‘ state of mind’ is the urge for life that precedes All action . The man who wants to be at the top of the ladder must not shrink at the first failure . He should keep fighting till success Crowns his efforts:

“Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But soon or later the man who wins,
   Is the man who thinks he can.”


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