MCQs M.A. English Poetry(Part - II) Exercise # 6

Exercise # 6

     1.   William Blake diet in:
  1.  1824
  2.  1825
  3.  1826
  4.  1827

     2.   In 1831, did William Blake’s:
  1.  Wife
  2.  Son
  3.  Daughter
  4.  Mother

     3.   Who wrote a critical essay on William Blake?
  1.  Thomas Hardy
  2.  V.S Naipaul
  3.  Swinburne
  4.  Edward Said

     4.   The critical essay of Swinburne on William Black was published in:
  1. 1866
  2.  1868
  3.   1870
  4.  1872

     5.   ‘William Blake His Philosophy and Symbols’ is written by:
  1.  T.S. Eliot
  2. Bernard Shaw
  3. Abercrombie
  4. Poster Damon 

     6.   Foster Damon’s work on William Blake came out in:
  1. 1925
  2.  1926
  3.  1927
  4.  1928

     7.   Which of the following is not written by William Blake?
  1.  Songs of Innocence
  2.  Songs of Experience
  3.  Solitary Reaper
  4.  All of them

     8.   Which of the following is written by William Blake?
  1.  Deserted Village
  2.  Marriage of Heaven and Hell
  3.  The Road Not Taken
  4.  The End Games

     9.   Who wrote’ the writings of William Blake’?
  1.  Foster Daman
  2.  W B Yeats
  3.  Philip Larkin
  4.  Geoggrey

   10.                Kenney’s ‘writings of William Blake’ came out in:
  1.  1925
  2.  1926
  3.  1927
  4.  1928

   11.                These poems embody the very 18th century about which working of William Blake, Browning gave these comments on:
  1.  The Everlasting Gospel
  2.  The Songs of Experience
  3.  Political Sketches
  4.  The Little Boy Lost

   12.                William Blake had:
  1.  A son and a daughter
  2.  No child at all
  3.  Two daughters
  4.  Three sons

   13.                Which of the following is written by William Blake?
  1.  In Memoriam
  2.  A Portrait of An Artist as A Young Man
  3.  Barchester Towers
  4. The Echoing Green

   14.                In 1795,’ The Book of Loss’ was:
  1.  Engraved by William Blake
  2.  Wrote by William Blake
  3.  Translated by William Blake
  4.  None of these

   15.                ‘The Lamb’ written by William Blake is a:
  1.  Novel
  2.  Short story
  3.  Poem
  4.  None of these


  1. 1827
  2.  Wife
  3.  Swinburne 
  4. 1868
  5. Foster Damon
  6. 1925
  7.  Solitary reaper
  8.  Marriage of Heaven and Hell
  9.  Geoggery
  10. 1925
  11.  Poetical sketches
  12.  No child at all
  13.  The echoing green
  14.  Engraved by William Blake
  15.  Poem


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