Unit # 2 Chinese New Year (Tag Questions & Answers)


Unit # 2
Chinese New Year
Tag Questions:
1.  Why is Chinese New Year never on the same day is year?
 The Chinese follow lunar calendar which differs from Gregorian Calendar. Therefore, Chinese new here never starts on the same date each year.
2.  What is Chinese believe about cleaning houses before new year day?
 To clean the houses before the start of new yeah is like to wipe away the bad luck of the previous years.
3.  Why does this dinner consist of eight or nine dishes?
 The dinner consists of Eight or Nine dishes because in Chinese language, “Eight” means “prosperity” and “Nine” means “long - lasting”.
4.  Is Chinese   belief about people having character trait of animals of fact or an opinion?
There may be some reality in the belief but I think it is just an idea.


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