Unit # 2 Chinese New Year (Exercise Questions Answer)


Unit # 2
Chinese New Year
Excercise Questions (Answer)
1.   When does Chinese New Year start?
 Chinese New Year starts on some day between January 21 and February 20.
2.  Why do Chinese families do through cleaning of their houses before New Year’s Day?
 Such a cleaning removes the bad luck of the previous year and makes the house ready to accept the good luck of the new year.
3.  Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese New Year? Why?
 Black colour is not allowed as it is a symbol of death. Red colour is encouraged as it turns away bad spirits.
4.  What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?
 Decorations on doors and windows symbolize good luck and happiness.
5.  What is the significance of New Year's Eve Dinner?
 The significance of the New Year’s Eve Dinner is that it helps Chinese families to sit together.
6.  What do the little red envelopes filled with money symbolize?
The little red envelopes filled with money symbolize wealth and prosperity.
7.  What is the importance of the Chinese New Year for Chinese families?
 Chinese New Year is very important for Chinese family as it brings them close together. They express their thanks for the previous year and refresh themselves for the New Year.
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