UNIT #1 Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) An Embodiment Of Justice ( مجسم انصاف) Excercise Questions (Answer)


Hazrat Muhammad ()
An Embodiment Of Justice ( مجسم انصاف)
Excercise Questions (Answer)
1.   How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life?
People can achieve perfection in their moral, spiritual and social fields of life by seeking light and guidance from the Holy Prophet’s message and life .
By seeking light and guidance from the Holy Prophet’s  message and life .
2.   How did the Holy Prophet  set high and noble ideals for all mankind?
The Holy Prophet  set and noble ideals for mankind through his practical examples .
3.   How were people of Makkah convinced of the Holy Prophet  justice even before his prophethood?
The Holy Prophet  did justice in every case . His dealing with people were always there . Therefore, the people of Makkah were convinced of his justice even before his prophethood .
4.   What standards of Justice did the Holy Prophet  practice as Head of the state of Madina?
As Head of the state of Medina, the Holy Prophet  practiced high standard of Justice . He decided every matter on merit . He did justice without regarding race, colour or creed .
5.   What made Non - Muslims bring their suits to the Holy Prophet ?
The Holy Prophet  was very strict in doing justice . Therefore, the Non - Muslim brought their cases to him for decision .
6.   How does the Holy Quran describe the personality of the Holy Prophet ?
The Holy Quran describes the personality of the Holy Prophet  as follows; we have, indeed, in the Messenger of Allah, a good example for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day .


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