An application to the Mayor, Municipal Corporation regarding the unhygenic and insanitary condition of your locality.

An application to the Mayor, Municipal Corporation regarding the unhygenic and insanitary condition of your locality.

The Town Nazim,
City Government,
I may like to bring to your kind notice the bad insanitary condition of my locality. I live in Civil Lines area of the city. It is populated respectable and educated citizens. I am sorry to say that this locality has become the worst area of the city as regard its sanitary conditions.
The streets have never been cleaned. The sweeper is a careless person and does not come to clean the streets for weeks together. The result is that heaps of dirt are lying everywhere and they are an ugly scar on the beautiful face of the locality. There are many ditches and cavities in the streets.
Moreover, there is a pool of stagnant water lying in the middle of the area. It has become a breeding spot for flies and mosquitoes. Epidemics like malaria and cholera are likely to break out at any time. I approached the sanitary inspector but he did not pay attention to my request. Now I request you to direct the sweepers to remove the heaps of garbage lying in the streets. Other sanitary arrangements may also be made. Kindly make the locality worth living.
Yours Truly,


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