A Morning Walk


A Morning Walk
(OR)    A Walk In The Morning


All the physicians and doctors say that a morning walk is very beneficial to human health. A morning walk keeps a man healthy and active. In the morning, the atmosphere is free from smoke and dust; hence pleasant and healthy – giving.

In the morning, one fields drowsy and sleepy at home. One loves to go out for an airing. The morning breeze is very cool and pleasant. We feel ourselves very fresh in the open atmosphere. As soon as we go out for a morning walk, the sleepiness is soon shaken off. Nature looks very fresh and lovely. When we enter a garden or a park, we are fascinated by the beautiful flowers and flowery plants. The earth is carpeted with greenery.

The whole atmosphere is filled with the sweet fragrance of various flowers. Sparrows chirp. Doves coo. Cocks crow. The nightingales sing in a sweet voice. We enjoy ourselves fully. The air is pure and fresh. By walking in such a fine, pleasant and healthy - giving atmosphere, we feel ourselves fresh.

Sometimes the weather is bright and Sunny. Sometimes it is windy and cloudy. At other times, it is rainy and stormy. It is very chilly on a morning in winter. It is very pleasant on a dawn of Summer. A morning walk is like a pleasure trip. A morning walk is Indeed a very healthy exercise.

During our morning walk, we inhale fresh air, which purifies our lungs and blood. An early morning walk makes us energetic and active. We feel ourselves cheerful throughout the day. A morning walk is inevitable to keep ourselves healthy.

I daily go out for a morning walk after saying the Morning Prayer. It is because of the daily morning walk that I feel myself fresh and active throughout the day time. It is only due to the morning walk that my performance in studies is always good. It is also because of the daily morning walk that I am enjoying a very sound and enviable health.

To conclude, our daily walk in the morning is very beneficial to human health. I regularly go out for a morning walk. As soon as I go to bed at night, the beautiful and charming scenes of various kinds of flowers flash upon that inward eye which is the bliss of solitude, and my heart fillls with joy and begins to dance with the flowers, witnessed by me during my morning walk.


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