A letter to your father requesting him to increase your monthly allowance.


A letter to your father requesting him to increase your monthly allowance.

Examination Hall,
October 15,2017.

My dear Father,

You might be waiting for my letter anxiously. I could not write to you earlier as I was busy in the house examination. You will be glad to know that I have fared well in almost all the papers. My teacher in English suggested a few books on grammar to improve my English.

Dear father, I find it difficult to meet my expenses out of the money you send me monthly. As you know, the prices of things have gone up very high. The mess charges have been increased. The articles of stationery are also very dear. I also have to pay Rs.1000/- to my tutor in English. Therefore, it has become impossible for me to meet all my necessary expenses with the usual allowance. I request you to increase my monthly allowance by 1000/- rupees. I know this increase is a burden on you but my demand is also genuine.

Respect to mother and love to youngsters.

Yours affectionately,



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