
The College Life

The College Life
(OR)  The Pleasures of College Life
(OR)  The Life of A Student At College

A college is really a land of dreams.  In college, everything appears to be charming and attractive.  The college life is quite different from the school life.

When a student enters the college life, the experiences a total change. In college, discipline is more strict than in school.  In college the professors treat the students more politely than the school teachers.  The professors give respect and honour to the students. They try to build up their personality and develop their self-respect. The college students also treat one another in the same manner. They are treated respectfully in the college office, library and laboratory.

In college, the professors teach the students through lectures. They express their ideas on a subject in detail and in a lucid style. Free discussion is also allowed to the students in the class – room. An up-to-date library also exists in the college to supplement the class - room teaching. Students read the library books on various subjects. They for their own opinions about a subject. An atmosphere of learning prevails in the college.

In the modern education, extra - curricular activities are equally important for the students. The college magazine inspires the students to become good writers. There are various newspapers and magazines in the college library, which keep the students well - aware of the current affairs of the entire world.

In college, there are debates in English, Urdu and Punjabi. These provide a vast knowledge and recreation to the students. The students take part in these debates and literary meetings. They learn how to express their ideas about some topic.

No college can neglect the games and sports as these play an important role in building the personality and character of the students. These create the sense of discipline and responsibility among the students. Games are also a real source of mental and Physical health.

The college life also imposes some duties and responsibilities on the students. It provides equal chances of making or marring a student's life. It is the student himself who has to develop his physical, mental and moral faculties.

To conclude, the pleasures of college life are countless. In fact, a college is a place of light, of learning, of knowledge and of liberty. It is full of the charms of life. It is a place where a student can make or mar his life. It is said that there is no knowledge without college.


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