Application to the Principal for Character Certificate.

Application to the Principal for Character Certificate.

Examination Hall,
May 15,2017.

The Principal,
Government A.B.C. College,

Subject: Request for Character Certificate.


With due respect, it is stated that I need character certificate to apply for further studies. I got admission in this college and passed my Intermediate Examinations with 96 % marks in pre-engineering group and stood at the second position in the college.

My academic and co-curricular record is as follows:

·         My academic session was 2016 - 2017
·         My attendance was hundred percent.
·         I passed my house examinations with 94% marks.
·         I won first prize in Inter - College debates.
·         I was the captain of college cricket team.

My all teachers considered me one of the bright students of this college. Therefore, I request you to issue my character certificate, mentioning my academic and co-curricular achievement in it.

I shall be very grateful to you.
Yours obediently,
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