A letter to your friend telling him about the annual sports of your college.


A letter to your friend telling him about the annual sports of your college.

Examination Hall,
(City) A.B.C.
June 25,2017.

My dear Haris,

I hope that you will be quite well. Annual sports were held in our college last week. It was a very colourful and interesting event that was attended by a large number of students and teachers. It continued for three days. Our Principal inaugurated the sports day. After the recitation from the Holy Quran, the athletes gathered near the track. First of all, there was a hundred metre race. I also took part in it and won the first prize. Then there was 500 metre race. Many athletes took part in it. The discus throw and the shot -  put competition for very interested. The hurdle race, the sack race, the three legged race and pillow fighting were highly amusing events. I also took part in javelin throw competition but could not win any prize. The long jump, the high jump and the pole vault provided the students with a good chance to show their metal.

In the end on the third day, the chief guest, DCO of the city, gave away the prizes to the winners. The guests and the prize - winners were served with high tea.

Yours sincerely,


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