8. The Gulistan of Saadi

By: Sheik Saadi

Short Questions and Answers

Q /1: What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his People?

Ans: Nushirvan advised his people to do justice in all matters. It is better to do justice in small things first. Then justice expands and grows well.

Q /2: What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king?

Ans: The physicians suggested that the bile of a person with soon qualities could save the king.

Q /3: Way did the boy look to the sky and smile?

Ans: The boy looked the sky happily in the hope that he would set justice from God Almighty. He could not get justice from his parents or the Qazi.

Q /4: What should be the role of a Qazi?

Ans: A Qazi should do justice to an. He should support truth only. He should help the weak against the strong. He should be dead honest.

Q /5: Why did the King weep?

Ans: The king wept when he heard the boy’s words. He felt Shocked. He was deeply moved and he could not control his tears.

Q /6: How did the king recover?

Ans: The king recovered because God was happy with him after he did justice to the boy.



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