7-The use of force

By:  William Carlos Williams

Short Questions and Answers

Q / 1: What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor?

Ans: The Parents were very worried about throat حلق and disease of the daughter.

Q/2: What was the behavior of the child with the doctor?

Ans: The child was very angry and aggressive جارحانہ. She did not co-operate with the doctor.

Q /3: She had a fever for three days, hadn’t she?

Ans: Yes, she had fever for three days on account of her throat illness.

Q /4: Did the girl change her expression when the doctor said, `does your throat hurt you? `

Ans: No, the girl did not change her expression. She also did not move her eyes from the doctor’s face.

Q /5: Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?

Ans: The doctor celled the girl by her first name,” Mathilda``, just because she was a child. He wanted to be frank with her to show his kindness.

Q /6: Did the Sick girl promptly (فوری طور پر) response to the instruction of the doctor.

Ans: N0, she did not react promptly to the doctor’s instruction.

Q /7: Why did the parents rebuke her?

Ans: They rebuked her because she was not obeying the doctor and was behaving angrily towards him.

Q /8: What was the treat of the doctor to-the child for not showing her throat?

Ans: The doctor threatened her that he and her parents would use force on we a open her mouth.

Q /9 Why did she break the wooden blade?

Ans: She broke the wooden blade because she was afraid it might hurt her throat. She was in an angry mood and was full of fear.

Q /10 What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl?

Ans: Her tonsils were covered with membrane. They were very diseased.



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