9. The Foolish Quack
(Folk Tale)
Short Questions and Answers
Q /1: What is a clump of frees?
Ans: A clump of trees is a group of trees standing together.
Q /2: What was stuck in the camel’s throat?
Ans: A melon had stuck in the camel’s throat.
Q /3: What the quack pretends to cure?
Ans: The quack pretended to cure goiter.
Q /4: What did the quack do with the old woman?
Ans: The quack hit the old woman`s swollen throat hard with a mallet.
Q /5: What was the result of the cure?
Ans: The woman was very old and weak. She could not bear the stuck of mallet. She died instantly فوری طور پر.                                                                                     
Q /6: What was the punishment inflicted upon the guard by the villagers?
Ans: The punishment سزا of the quack was that he was made to dig the old woman’s grave. Then he was beaten up and allowed to go.
Q /7: For whom did the quack dig the grave?
Ans: The quack dug the grave for the old woman whose death he had caused.
Q /8: What did the quack do in the next village?
Ans: The quack went to the neat village posing جھانسہ دے رہا تھا like a great doctor.
Q /9: Why did not the villagers let the old man get cured?
Ans: Because the quack told them that if he died during the treatment, the people would not force him to dig his grave. When the people heard this, they got angry and sent him away.
Q /10: Why did the quack come back to the camel men?
Ans: The quack came back to the camel men to tell them that they had not shown him the right way of curing goiter.


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