“Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud.” (Shannon L. Alder)
A great man is one who serves humanity heart and soul. But no man is great who is great only in his life time. The test of greatness is the page of history. History is replete (لبریز) with the noble deeds (اعمال) of men whose sole (واحد) and sacred (مقدس) aim of life was to help and guide their fellow men. We read and recall, commemorate and commend (ذ کر اذ کار کرنا) the names of great scientists, artists, philosophers, politicians and poets whose tireless and selfless efforts brought comfort and peace to the suffering humanity. They die but their death makes them immortal because they live in our hearts.
          Dr. Muhammad Iqbal is my hero in history. He is my favourite personality. He is our national poet. He is also known as Allama Iqbal. He was a great scholar and philosopher. He was born in Sialkot on the 9th November 1877. The name of his father was Sheikh Nur Muhammad. Allama Iqbal had great love for religion even in his childhood. He received his early education in Sialkot. He passed his Intermediate Examination from Murrey College. He studied Arabic and Persian with great love. He came to Lahore and joined Government College Lahore. He studied Philosophy there. After passing his M. A. examination, he became a teacher there.
          He went to Europe for higher studies. He got his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Germany. He also got his law degree in 1908. His stay in Europe was very good for him. He observed everything of the West very carefully. He learnt a lot of things there. He compared the East and the West and concluded that the East is better than the West in every aspect (پہلو). He expressed his view about that in his poetry. His poetry gives a message to the Muslim not to follow the Western culture. He believed that Islam is better than all the religions and civilizations (تہذیب) of the world. He did not stay there for long and returned to India. He started his legal practice. He soon left it because he did not like it.
          He was sad to see the bad condition of the Muslims in every field of life. He observed that the Hindus were not sincere with the Muslims. He saw that the Muslims were unaware of their backwardness. He wanted to tell them that they should wake up from their sleep of ignorance. He wrote many poems. He devoted (وقف) his life to Islam and the Muslims. It was he who told the Muslims that they should try to get their own separate homeland.
“If you want to discover the true character of a person, you have only to observe what they are passionate about.”
          His poems were so inspiring that the Muslims realized their duties and started their struggle for Pakistan. It was he who requested Quaid-e-Azam to continue his struggle for Pakistan. His message was for everyone. The Muslims were so much impressed by his poetry that he was given the title of Allama Iqbal. He inspired not only common people but also leaders. Even after his death his poetry is there to impress and guide the Muslims.
          This great poet and philosopher died in 1938. He was buried beside the main gate of the Badshahi Mosque. He is the national poet of Pakistan. His poetry is read not only in Pakistan but also in the whole of the world. It has been translated in many languages of the world. His important volumes of poetry are Bang-e-Dara, Bal-e-Jabril, and Zarb-e-Kaleem etc.
The End


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