Why I Love Pakistan


Why I Love Pakistan
Introduction: I love Pakistan because we have got it after a lot of sacrifices.
I love it because of its beauty.
Its love is in my blood.
I love it because of its culture particularly because of its family system.
Conclusion: I love it because it has given me everything I ever wanted.
          Imagine you have no country of your own. Where would you go? No country would accept you. You would not have any place to live. You would not have any identity. What would you do? Of course, you would try to get your own country. For this purpose, you would give sacrifices. You may lose your parents, sisters, brothers and children. They may be killed. You may leave your home, your business and all your belongings to reach that country. Then one day you may get a country of your own. Would you not love it? You would, because it would be the fruit of your struggle, your identity and God’s blessing to practice Islam.
          Thank Allah I have a country. I have my Pakistan — a land of ‘Pak’ or pure people. It is my homeland, my identity. I love my Pakistan not only because it is the best country in the world but also because it has given me everything I ever wanted.
          The love of Pakistan is in my blood. My body and mind respond to its songs. I am in a state of happiness. I feel thrilled. I start singing the same tune with the singer. I am so pleased that I feel like dancing. I feel proud of being a Pakistani. I do not feel easy when I am in some other country.
          People love someone because of two very obvious reasons. First people love someone because of his or her beauty and charm. Secondly, people love someone if he or she has good qualities. We see that Pakistan fulfills these requirements. It has everything that any country of the world can claim to have. It has high mountains, green forests and wild life. It has rivers, canals and sea. It has charms of village life. It has cities with all the modern luxuries and comforts. In fact, my Pakistan is so beautiful that it is counted among the most beautiful countries of the world.
         I love Pakistan because of her strong family system. Here family life is given the top priority. If men work hard to earn bread and butter (روزی), women sacrifice a lot to make this family life a success. Pakistani women prefer their family to all the comforts. Here the elders are not sent to old houses to die.
          I love Pakistan because it has given me everything I wanted. I have a home, every facility and opportunity to grow. I do whatever I want. I have freedom of expression. I can choose the representative of my choice. I am free to practice my religion. When I go somewhere I am given respect because of my Pakistan. So, Pakistan is my identity, my first love.
The End


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