“Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud.” (Shannon L. Alder)
 A great man is one who serves humanity heart and soul. But no man is great who is great only in his life time. The test of greatness is the page of history. History is replete (لبریز) with the noble deeds (اعمال) of men whose sole (واحد) and sacred (مقدس) aim of life was to help and guide their fellow men. We read and recall, commemorate and commend (ذ کر اذ کار کرنا) the names of great scientists, artists, philosophers, politicians and poets whose tireless and selfless efforts brought comfort and peace to the suffering humanity. They die but their death makes them immortal because they live in our hearts. Muhammad Ali Jinnah is one of those figures, and hence, my favourite personality/hero in history.
          Muhammad Ali Jinnah is truly called the Quaid-e-Azam because he had all the qualities of a great political leader. Although he was weak and lean, yet he was strong enough to face all the difficulties. This was the most prominent (نمایاں) quality of his character. With this quality, he was able to achieve the impossible – the creation of Pakistan.
          Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born in Karachi on 25th December, 1876. His father was a businessman. He received his primary education in Karachi and Bombay. He passed his Matriculation Examination from the Mission High school Bombay. He went to England to study law. On his return, he started law practice first in Karachi and then in Bombay.
          Both the Muslims and the Hindus wanted India free from the English rule. He joined National Congress to work for that cause. At first he believed that the Muslims and the Hindus could live together after the departure of the English. But his later experience showed that the Muslims could not live in peace and harmony (ہم آہنگی) under the domination (تسلط) of the Hindus. He decided to fight for a separate country for the Muslims.
“If you want to discover the true character of a person, you have only to observe what they are passionate about.”
          But the Hindus did not want India to be divided. Besides, there were some Muslims who also did not want to divide India. He had to be very vigilant (چوکس) to counter attack all the conspiracies (سازشوں) of the Hindus and the English. Then he had to fight his failing health. In spite of his doctor’s advice he did not take rest to fight his disease. He used to say that he could not take rest when the Muslims needed him. So, he did not take rest and with every passing day his condition became worse (بدتر). His lean (دبلی پتلی) body and bony (کمزور) face were showing that, but the big warm smile on his face deceived) فریب) the people. He was so much true to his cause that he did not let anybody know what was going on inside his body.
          At that difficult time, he showed how strong and wise he was. To get a separate country for the Muslims was such a big task that it could break any man, but not the Quaid-e-Azam. With his untiring efforts, he succeeded in getting a separate homeland for the Muslims.
         His ill health did not allow him to enjoy the fruit of his struggle much longer and he died on September 11, 1948. But he left behind his legacy of work, work and work for the people of Pakistan. May Allah rest his soul in peace and let the people of Pakistan act upon this legacy of work, work and work.
The End


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