My Best Friend

My Best Friend

Love is like the wild – rose briar;
Friendship is like the holly – tree.
The holly is dark when the rose briar blooms,
But which will bloom most constantly?
(Emily Bronte)
True friendship is a divine (خدا داد) quality. To get a true friend is rare achievement now a day. Someone is lucky if he gets a true friend.
I am lucky enough to have true friend like Bassam Ali. I value his friendship. He is really a true friend.
We both are class fellows for last four years. Bassam Ali has many qualities of head and heart. He is an ideal student.
He is very punctual in coming to school. He completes his home task regularly. His books and exercise note-books are very clean. Moreover, he has a very good handwriting. His behavior is a model for other students.
He is very polite, good mannered and sweet tempered. He never promises anything wrong to others. I have never seen him losing his temper. His uniform is always neat and clean. Though he is not a very brilliant student yet he always tries to improve himself.
He always tries to learn from others. He is always helpful to others in their time of need and never feels them to be obliged.
He has a sound mind in the sound body. He takes part in other activities of the school. He is very good player of cricket.
For last three years, he is the captain of our school cricket team. He has won many trophies in inter school and district level cricket tournaments for the school. He is a very good debater too and had taken part in inter school debate competitions.
He is a friend in need. During my recent illness, he spent many a sleepless night sitting by my side throughout the night.
He is a great help to me in my studies also. He hails from a very rich family while I am from a middle-class family. But he never boasts of his riches or feels proud of it.
All these qualities of Bassam Ali make him an ideal friend. I am proud of him.
``One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.                                                                 (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
The End


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