The Teacher I like most

The Teacher I like most

``A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.``                 (Brad Henry)
In every school, there are some teachers who are liked by students whereas there are other teachers who are not popular. There must be some reasons for this difference. There are some teachers who are naturally jolly and can mix with the students freely but not at the sacrifice of their personality. They have some good qualities in them which draw the students to them. They exercise of good influence upon the students. Again, there are teachers who are naturally grave (قبر). They cannot mix freely with the students. So, they are not liked by students though they may have noble qualities in them.
``Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students. `` (Solomon Ortiz)
My ideal teacher: My ideal teacher or the teacher whom I like best is Muhammad Wasif Malik. He is a very experienced teacher. He can teach his subject well. His manners are amiable (دوستانہ). He has always a smiling face. He greets (خیر مقد م کرنا) the students when he enters the class. The students all greet him with respect in return. He has great love for all the students – even the naughty ones. His amiable nature has won over even the most unruly (سرکش) boys in the class. He explains everything so lucidly (صفاُٰئی سے) that even the uninteresting subject like English grammar proves to be interesting. We all admit that we are much benefited by his teaching. We hope we shall not fail in English in our final examination.
Why he is my ideal: Already I have said that Muhammad Wasif Malik can teach his subject very well. We cannot but admire (معترف) his mode of teaching. I have also said that he has an amiable nature and a smiling face which naturally draw us to him. He is a very simple man. His dress is simple but neat and clean. There is firmness (پائداری) in his character. He has dedicated (وقف) his life to the cause of teaching. He does not care so much for money. His wants are few. He always thinks of the welfare of his students. He does his best to improve the character of his students. Besides teaching us the regular lessons he often talks of subjects that ennoble (ممتازکرنا) our character, and infuses (روح پھونکنا) our mind with feeling of patriotism. He thinks that service to man is service to God. He tries to imbibe (جزب کرنا) this feeling in us. Really a noble teacher like Muhammad Wasif Malik is rare in our society.
He is eager (شوقین) for the all-round improvement of his students. So he is much interested in the extra-curricular activities of the school. He is an athlete. He plays with us. He is a good speaker. He tries his best so that we may develop in us the power of speaking in a meeting. He takes great interest in the social functions that are held in the school. The Principal has a great liking for him. So he puts him in charge of organizing annual excursions and outing which are an essential feature of our school.
``Most of us end up with no more than five or six people who remember us. Teachers have thousands of people who remember them for the rest of their lives. `` (Andy Rooney)
It is for these reasons that Muhammad Wasif Malik is my ideal teacher. He is held in great respect not only by me but also by all students of the school.
The End


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