



·         Introduction

       Man can rightly be proud of his invention of computers.
·         With the help of computers, man has entered a completely new world.
·         Computers can lessen human misery.
·         Apart from their advantages, computers are adding to man’s miseries.
·         Conclusion: Computers can make man’s life free of miseries and full of happiness.

          Man can rightly be proud of his invention of computers. Computers have really made his life modern. Now everything he uses is either some kind of computer or some kind of computer has made it. Because it has the power to do wonders, people are using it not only for good but also for bad purposes.

          With the help of computers, man has entered a new world. This is the world of ease and luxury. Computers are a part of every latest machine. Even exercise machines are fitted with the latest computers. With sophisticated computers, man can predict the weather accurately with all its changing moods. Computers are of great help in the field of medicine. Now it is very easy to diagnose a disease with great accuracy. With the help of computerized tests, people get good treatment and get well soon. Man is making great use of computers in the field of architecture. Computers are helping a man in designing strong and beautiful buildings. Now it has become very easy to build multistoried buildings. Man has been using computers in the exploration of the space. With the help of computerized equipment, man is preparing to set foot on the far-off planets.

          Computers have lessened human misery. Now with the help of computerized equipment, it has become very easy to give relief to the victims of floods, earthquakes etc. There are autopilot planes that can fly in zero visibility very safely and are very useful particularly in relief efforts.

          Apart from their advantages, computers are adding to the miseries of man. With their help, man has made very destructive weapons of war. They can destroy the world within hours. This destruction will be so complete that life will be wiped out from the face of the world. There will be Star Wars. Different nations will attack one another from space with the help of computerized laser technology. Nobody will be safe anywhere.

          The second very dangerous disadvantage of computers is human cloning. With this process, there may be hundreds of copies of one man. There will be great disturbance and chaos with people having the same faces. The third drawback of computers is that they have provided man with such tools of surveillance and security as after a few years there will be no privacy or private life.

          So, we can conclude that computers have their advantages and disadvantages. When we look at both, we can say that if a man is sensible, computers can make his life free of miseries and full of happiness.
The End


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