An Ideal Student

An Ideal Student

An Ideal Student

“Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”

          There are some students who think that they should study all the time and should not do anything else. Others give more importance to games and less to study. Both these kinds of students are wrong. The best thing to do is to keep a balance between studies and extra-curricular activities (غیر نصابی سرگرمیاں). This is the first quality of an ideal student because it is said: “A healthy body has a healthy mind.”

           The second quality of an ideal student is that he has a clear aim in life. He takes up subjects according to his talent. He knows that he can reach his destination (منزل) only by getting an education, so he works hard and tries to be a good student. To be a good student he does his homework regularly. He never leaves his classes. When he is in his class, he is like a blotting paper. He absorbs everything he listens to or sees in the class. The centre of his attention is his teacher. He never misses even a single point. If he does not understand anything, he asks the teacher about it. He notes down important points in his note-book for future reference.

           In his classroom, he is not distracted (توجہ پھیرنا) by his class fellows. He keeps focused. He knows if he misses any point during the lecture, it will be a great loss. He takes his tests very seriously and tries to get good marks. He tries to remain at the top of the class. He always keeps the company of intelligent and hardworking students. He knows that idle students will waste his time. He tries to follow his timetable at every cost.

          He believes in the positive competition (مقابلہ). By taking part in a competition he learns to fight for the things he believes in. He finishes his syllabus in time and then gets time to revise it. He does not believe in short cuts or the idea of the selective study. He studies the whole syllabus. He does not cram (بھرنا) things; rather he tries to understand the basic concepts first. He never believes in guesswork. He never cheats       (نقل) in the examination hall. He knows how to solve his paper.

“Unfortunately, the highly curious student is a small percentage of the kids.”
(Bill Gates)

          An ideal student does not waste his time watching too much TV. He knows how to keep a good balance between his studies and extra-curricular activities.

          An ideal student is also a good person. He is respectful to his elders, particularly to his teachers. His dress is always neat and clean. He is regular and punctual. He is soft-spoken and is ready to help others at all times.

“Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant.”
(Anthony J. D'Angelo)

The End


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