An Accident

An Accident




“We do not remember days, we remember moments.”
(Cesare Pavese)

          Man’s life is made of events. But some events are unforgettable. These events can happen anytime and at any place. Once I witnessed (شھادت) a terrible accident that I cannot forget all my life.

          Once we were to go to Gujranwala. We wanted to see our relatives. It was the summer holidays. I was to go there with my parents. We got up early in the morning and went to the bus stand. We reached there at eight. It was very crowded بھیڑ، ہجوم) (there. A lot of people were going here and there. Everybody seemed in a hurry. There was so much noise that we could not hear one another. I was very excited. We bought some sweets to enjoy ourselves on the way.

          The bus started rather late. It was full of people. All the passengers were settling down and were putting their things at proper places. Our bus driver was driving slowly and carefully. After some time some young boys asked him to drive fast. But the driver did not listen to them. He was still driving slowly and carefully. The boys kept quiet for some time, but they again started asking him to drive fast. The driver tried to make them understand that it was dangerous to drive fast, but the boys were arguing with him.

“Time is measured by moments.”
(Khalid Masood)

          In the meantime, a bus passed by us very fast. The driver of that bus was driving really fast. That bus had not gone very far when it suddenly struck against a tree. It was a head-on collision (ٹکرانا). We rushed to the scene of the accident. The passengers of that bus were badly injured. They were crying with pain. Even the driver was badly hurt. There was a lot of noise. We pulled the people out of the bus. Some passengers had broken arms and legs. Some were seriously injured. There was blood everywhere. The scene was so terrible that I was crying. We took out all the passengers from the bus. They were put in passing by buses and they were rushed to the nearby hospitals. I was still in a state of shock. I was looking at the wreckage) (تباہ شدہ of the bus. My father comforted) (تسلی دینا me.

          After some time we resumed (دوبارہ شروع کرنا) our journey. Now our driver was more careful. This time the boys did not dare to ask him to drive fast. Now they had come to know that it was very dangerous to drive fast.

“A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever.”

         More than a year has passed, but I still remember the accident in full detail. It is just possible that there might have been some young boys on that bus too. Those boys might have been asking the driver of their bus to drive fast and this might be the cause of the accident.

The End


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