A Railway Journey


A Railway Journey

A Railway Journey


•     Introduction: We usually travel by bus but last Monday my father decided to travel by train.
•     When the train arrived, everybody started running towards it.
•     Some people were occupying our seats.
•     I enjoyed every minute of my journey by train.
•     Conclusion: I would say that I would love to travel by train again.

``The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. ``
(St. Augustine)

          We usually travel by bus but last Monday my father decided to travel by train. We were to go to Rawalpindi. We decided to catch an early train. I was excited because it was going to be my first journey by train. We reached the station one hour before the departure of the train. So we were not in a hurry. People were still entering the main gate of the railway station. They had big bags and heavy suitcases. Porters (قلی) looked very busy in their red uniforms. They were carrying heavy suitcases of travellers and were walking with great difficulty.

          It appeared that race had started when the train arrived. Everybody started running towards the train. I could not understand why everybody is in such a hurry. But when I entered the train I stopped wondering. All the available seats were full and no seat was free. Some people were occupying our seats too. My father asked them to vacate (خالی) our seats but they did not give any attention to our request. At last, my father had to ask the ticket-checker for that. We put down our things and settled down.

``Life is a journey that must be travelled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations. ``
(Oliver Goldsmith)

          There were so many people that it was difficult to breathe (سانس). Some vendors were selling cold drinks, tea and other things. I was enjoying every minute of it. The train left the station in time. Still, people were going in and out of the train. When the train left, I enjoyed a cool breeze and it was easy to breathe now.

``Life is just a journey. ``
(Princess Diana)

          I started looking out of the window. Everything was running backwards. I started enjoying village life. There were fields on both sides. My father told me about different crops. It was great to look at wheat and rice and other crops. The train stopped at different stations on the route. We did not buy anything from the stations on the route. My mother had cooked some very delicious dishes. We enjoyed them with cold drinks. I was feeling as if we were on a picnic.

           A man was sleeping on the opposite seat. He seemed to be in sound sleep. One of his hands was in his front pocket. My father told me that the man must have some money in his pocket that was why he was placing one of his hands on his pocket. He also told me that thieves and swindlers rob people of their belongings. He told me that we should not take anything from strangers.

           Exactly in four hours we reached Rawalpindi. My uncle had come to receive us at the railway station. I was still fresh even though I had to sit for four hours in a stuffy place. I would say that I would love to travel by train again.

The End


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