A Picnic

A Picnic

A Picnic


A Visit to a Historical Place

“It is good people who make good places.”
(Anna Sewell, Black Beauty)

          Last Sunday we went to Jahangeer Tomb for a picnic. It was a pleasant day. It was neither hot nor cold. My mother cooked very delicious (مزیدار) dishes to eat there. They were in small steel pots so that we might heat them there. We also took a lot of fruit with us. We left home at 9 o'clock in the morning. The sun was shining brightly but it was not hot. We hired a taxi and reached the tomb at 10. The tomb is built on acres of land and is surrounded by very thick walls. There are big gardens all-round the tomb.

          As we entered the main gate, we were greatly impressed by the greenery and beauty of the surrounding area. There were many shady places. As we entered another gate we saw the tomb just before our eyes. The colour and texture (بناوٹ) of the tomb caught our eyes. We saw many English and European tourists there. They were taking picture of the tomb. It's unique (منفرد) design attracts a lot of foreign tourists every year. We went inside the tomb and said ‘Fatiha’. After that, we went to a corner of the garden. Mother took out a sheet of cloth and spread it on the ground to sit on. Then she started heating the food on a portable gas oven. We helped her in setting the plates on the sheet. After that, we enjoyed a big delicious meal in a very pleasant atmosphere. It was our first experience of eating outside in the open. We were sitting in a circle and feeling very excited while eating.

“Great places, great memories.”
(Lailah Gifty Akita)

          After enjoying a good hearty meal, we played for some time. I saw some boys playing cricket in the gardens. They were making a lot of noise. To my right, a family was playing some indoor game. Everybody was so relaxed and happy. They were enjoying themselves. After that, we went around the tomb. It was amazing to see so much greenery around. There was a tall tree in the garden. Flowers of different colours were adding to the beauty of the tomb. There was no pollution of the city and no noise of the horns and rickshaws.

         After some time we returned home more happy and fresh. I think it is a good idea to go for a picnic once in a while. It has a good effect on our body and mind. I will remember my visit to the Jahangir Tomb forever.

The End


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