Poem No.2





Q/1: What kind of train the night mail is?


         What kind of train has been described by the poet?

Ans: The night mail is a train that brings cheques, postal orders and letters for the people.

Q/2: What happens on the farm when the night mail passes by it?    


        Does the night mail create any problem for the people?

        What happens when the train passes by the farm?

Ans: When it passes by the farm, it disturbs no one. Only the jug in the bedroom begins to shake a bit.

Q/3: What do night mail /coach bring for the people?


        What things do the night mail bring?


        For whom does the` Night Mail `bring mail?


       What does Night Mail brings for the people?

Ans: The night mail is a train that brings cheques, postal orders and letters for the people.

Q/4: What do sheep-dogs do at the arrival of the night mail?

         What is the reaction of the sheep-dog on the arrival of the train?

Ans: The sheep-dogs do nothing at the arrival of the train. They continue to take rest on their paws.

Q/5: Does the night mail disturb the life on-farm? How do the birds and sheep-dogs behave on her arrival?

Ans: When it passes by the farm, it disturbs no one. Only the jug in the bedroom begins to shake a bit. The birds and sheep-dogs do nothing at the arrival of the train. They continue to take rest on their paws.

Q/6: Where does the `Night Mail` pass?

Ans: The night mail passes by grassy fields, farms and barren land where stones are found lying here and there.

Q/7: Why does the sheep-dog show no reaction on the arrival of the train?

Ans: The train passes peacefully. That’s why the sheep-dog does not bark at it. He enjoys peaceful and deep sleep.

Q/8: What happens to the` Night Mail `when the gradient is against it?

Ans: It travels on upward and downward slopes. Its speed naturally becomes slow, but it reaches its destination on time.

Q/9: How do birds and sheep-dogs behave when the `Night Mail` arrives?

Ans: The birds and sheep-dogs do not disturb. The birds are sitting in their nests while sheep-dogs enjoy peaceful and deep sleep.



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