Night Mail (Text & Additional Questions Answers)

Night Mail  (Text & Additional Questions Answers)

Poem # 2
Night Mail
Text & Additional Questions Answers

Q/1. What kind of the Night Mail is?

Answer. The Night Mail is a train that runs during the night. It goes from one village to another; it reaches all places and brings letters and postal orders for all.

Q/2. What does the "Night Mail" bring?

Answer. The Night Mail brings letters for the rich and the poor, it also brings cheques, postal orders and money orders for all.

Q/3. For whom does the Night Mail bring Mail?

Answer. The Night Mail brings cheques, postal orders and money orders for the rich and the poor. It brings letters and cheques for the shop at the comer and the girl next door, without any fail.

Q/4. What is the effect of the train on the birds?

Answer. When the Night Mail approaches, the birds turn their heads and look at its blank faced couches.

Q/5. From where does the Night Mail Pass?

Answer. The Night Mail passes through the woods, moorlands, deserts and plains.

Q/6. Do adverse weather conditions affect the schedule of Night Mail?

Answer. No, weather conditions affect its schedule. It reaches its destination on time.

Q/7. What qualities of the Night Mail, the poet has discussed?

Answer. The poet has mentioned the qualities of regularity, punctuality and commitment of the Night Mail.

Q/8. What do the sheep-dogs do when Night Mail passes by?

Answer. The sheep-dogs do not take any notice of it. They remain sleeping because of they know they can't change its course.

Q/9. What happens on the farm when the Night Mail passes by it?

Answer. When the Night Mail passes by a farm, no one wakes but a jug in a bedroom gently shakes.

Q/10. What is the theme of the poem?

Answer. The theme of the poem is that life is like a train. Therefore, we should learn from the regularity and punctuality of the machine. We should also serve human beings.


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