Best Moral Story | No One Is Too Small To Help Others In The Hour Of Need

Best Moral Story | No One Is Too Small To Help Others In The Hour Of Need
Best Moral Story | No One Is Too Small To Help Others In The Hour Of Need

Best Moral Story | No One Is Too Small To Help Others In The Hour Of Need


Love begets love and makes our society an ideal place. Kind words, mercy and kindness always pay a lot though after a long time. This fact is explained beautifully in the following story where kindness of the lion saves his life.

Long, long ago, there lived a mouse in a certain jungle. He was very fond of outdoor visits and pleasure trips. Whenever, he was out of his hole, he would hop and jump, sing and dance to enjoy life. One wintery noon, while wandering outside, he saw a lion enjoying siesta in the sun. He thought of a trick of enjoyment. He climbed up the body of the lion and began to move over it. The mane on his neck attracted him much so he began to hop and jump there and disturbed the lion in his sleep. Once, when he was repeating the feat, the lion woke up. He caught the mouse in his strong paw in anger, “How dare you trample over my body? You silly mean fellow! Are you blind? Don't you see I am lying here for midday rest?” the lion roared and was about to kill him when the mouse begged for mercy. “I am a spot short-sighted and did not know that I was walking on your body. Please, sir, pardon me for this foolish act. I may also be of some help to you some day if you let me off,” the mouse said. The lion laughed with hatred and scorn and released the mouse. After a few days, the lion was caught in a strong net spread by a lion hunter. He struggled hard to free himself but to no avail. He roared and thundered in his predicament. The mouse came there by chance and saw his benefactor in trouble. “There can be no better opportunity to return the favour,” said the mouse. He took heart and, at once, gnawed the strong ropes of the net with his sharp teeth and released the lion. The lion felt gratified as well as ashamed. “How erroneous was I in considering others mean?” the lion thought and decided never to make fun of others. He thanked the mouse and went away into the jungle feeling obliged to the mouse.


1.   Forgiveness is the best way of revenge.

2.   No one is too small to help others in the hour of need.


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