The Blessings and Wonders of Science.


The Blessings and Wonders of Science.

The Blessings and Wonders of Science.

“Science is nothing but developed perception, interpreted intent common sense rounded out and minutely articulated. Science has been called a systematic thought.” It is the business of science to deal with facts, “to collect them to make generalizations from them and so.” Science aims at studying objectively and dispassionately the objects of nature. The outlook of a scientist is at once rational, and it excludes personal and sentimental considerations. As Russell puts it, “The Kernal of the scientific outlook is the refusal to our own desires, tastes, and interests and affording a key to the understanding of the world.”

The greatest triumph of science is that it has made man far more observant and rational. A man educated in science no longer takes anything for granted. The study of science has instilled fearlessness and boldness in the heart of man. G one are those primitive times when superstitions magic and charm ruled the world.

Today every mystery has been exploded by science. To quote Russell, “In fact, science has paralyzed superstition, liberated man from the thraldom of wilful and arbitrary heavenly powers.” Science has driven mystery into a corner. The faiths of yesterday have been proved to be the superstitions of today.

All the progress that man has made is due to science. It has made man the crown of creation in the real sense. Science has helped man to explore the hidden treasures of earth, the depths of the sea, and the heights of mountains. Man can fly with birds and has successfully landed on the moon. It has conquered the distance. Scientific inventions of cars, railways, and aircraft have abolished distance and turned the world into a global village. The inventions of the computer, the internet, and the mobile telephone have brought unlimited comfort to human life. With the help of these inventions, you have easy access to the world of knowledge and wisdom. The whole advancement in any field of life is at our feet within a fraction of a minute.

Science has revolutionized medicine. Lifesaving drugs have reduced rates drastically mortality.

Surgery has advanced so much that the eyes, kidneys, and heart of one body can be transplanted into another. In case of accidents, we can have artificial limbs of plastic to live a normal life. Most kinds of cancer are amenable to treatment if detected early.

One of the greatest wonders of science is the invention of the printing press. But for the printing press, the propagation of teaching of knowledge through books has been impossible. Electricity is another big triumph of science. It is being used as a source of light, heat, and power. As a source of power, it is behind the movement of every kind of wheel in the fields of agriculture, industry, and transportation. Gigantic machines are working for us night and day, weaving clothes, printing books, preparing drinks and food, and in every way making man's life worth living.

Science has also brought a revolution in the field of entertainment. The TV shows. musical concerts, films, televised games, and sports are there to capture our imagination and boost our exhausted spirits. Inventions of science and investigation into the mystery of nature will continue till life ends, It has rightly been said by a famous scientific thinker Sir White Head that, “science is the Third eye of God which will continue to unravel manifold secrets of nature.” The joy of understanding is the joy relished above all other joys by the refined souls. Science is the chief dispenser of this joy in the modern age.



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